Is It Possible That Im Pregnant 2
5 Replies
My cycles have been 28 days for a while now. I was expecting my period to start on June 22nd. I usually spot the day before that lets me know its coming. Well saturday came and went with nothing and the same with sunday until tuesday. When I woke up wednesday I had started bleeding but it never really became more then a light flow. There were no cramps or clots and bythursday afternoon it had stopped and turned into a brown discharge. The discharge has finally gone as of yesterday. My periods usually last 7 days with three or four days of a medium flow with clots and spotting the day before and the last couple of days. I normally cramp and bloat the whole week before and during my period. I have been bloated and nauseous off and on since I ovulated. My lower back has been hurting as well. I have been watching my cervical position as well and it never became low and firm after ovulation. It has stayed high and soft. I have been constipated for over a week and a half except for two days where I was able to go. None of this has been nornal for me. I am going to call my doctor tomorrow and make an appointment, but was hoping to get some opinions on what is going on with me before then. I baby danced with my boyfriend the day before and all during the week I ovulated because I am trying to get pregnant. Do you think its possible that I am pregnant? I have taken several hpts that have come back negative. I have one son who is almost 7 and when I found out I was pregnant with him I wasnt tracking any of this info and have no idea how far along I was when I got a positive hpt. Any insight would be greatly appreciated
I forgot to mention that I have been more tired lately and have had more headaches then normal. I having been using the bathroom like crazy. And there have been several days where I had this weird taste in my mouth. I feel tired but I have trouble falling asleep at night.
Good exposure and enough early pregnancy signs to warrant optimism. Of concern is the fact that some signs started at ovulation and also no positive hpt a week late. Be prepared for the doctor to want to look for a cyst. GL!
I typed that from my phone without reading over it. All of my symptoms started to appear the week after I ovulated. And havent gone away since then
Some women report not getting a positive test until way late. I suggest you test once a week using first morning pee and visit the doctor when a second period is light or missing. Prenatal vitamins would be a good precaution at this stage. GL!
Thanks I will definitely give that a try and continue to wait. It is just so frustrating not knowing for sure. Me and my bf live far apart at the moment and I dont know when we will have the chance to try again. I have my fingers crossed that we were successful. I appreciate you taking the time to read and respond to my post. It has given me some hope. Tha ks again :)