I don't know if these symptoms are from taking plan b 3 weeks ago, or if I am pregnant. I am not on bc pills, and 3 weeks ago had unprotected s_x and he didn't pull out. 40 hours later I took EC. It has been almost 3 weeks since, and I keep having period like cramps but no blood, headaches, and am very moody. It also feels very sensitive down where I button my pants and makes me feel weird to touch it. I also am slightly dizzy sometimes and nauseous after eating. Is this the plan b pill side effects or should I be worried?
I'm no expert on PlanB and have never taken it myself, but, from what i've read they work best when taken within the first 12 hours of unprotected s_x. Even then, there is no guarantee that you won't become pregnant.
When would your period normally be due? The MAP can cause a delay in it arriving and some spotting in between. You may also experience some nausea and abdominal pain. Dizziness etc... can be all part of that.
They advise that if you have a delay in your period, that you take a HPT one week after it would normally be due.
Your symptoms do seem normal side effects of taking the MAP.
its due in 2 days, no sign of it starting. Just feeling sick and hungry. The last time I took EC it did not do this to me, which is making me worried.
Not easy. You had unproteced s_x the last day of your period (not very high risk) and took PlanB before probable ovulation. Usually that would protect you, but you did not have a PlanB induced bleed, and you do have enough early signs to be of concern. It would be a good idea to take a test next Sunday morning, and repeat a week later if still in doubt. Please come back and let us know how it turns out. GL!
thanks-i actually had s_x around 5-6 days after my last period, and the planb made me have a veryyyy light, brown color, spotty period almost a week after taking it....it only lasted like 3 days though. A test if I miss my period this week is going to be necessary. I'll up date when I find out!
How's it going, Ms. Firefly? S_x CD10 is def in the fertile window, and PlanB is only 75% effective. Looking forward to hearing the result of the test.
How's it going, Ms. Firefly? S_x CD10 is def in the fertile window, and PlanB is only 75% effective. If you ovulated a couple of days early that 40 hour delay might have made it too late. Looking forward to hearing the result of the test.