Pregnancy Symptoms Just 5 Days After Conception
407 Replies
| JP - June 18 |
I'm no expert, but it could be all in your head, especially if you are really excited, and wanting to be pregnant. I went through it all in October, and started 2 weeks late. I thought about and wanted it so badly, plus there were other things going on, that I was just convinced. It was a let down, but here I am in June, 3 days late with similar symptoms and NO stress! I'm on vacation and I used one of those pee-on-a-stick ovulating kits back at the beginning of the month. My husband and I timed intercourse and "practiced" quite frequently. I'm convinced! We'll see in a few days when I take a test! Good luck to you!
i had s_x on sunday and i took a preganacy test 4 days later and the results was positive, but i had s_x with another guy about 2 months ago, i dont who bay it is. I would say the last person i had s_x with
Judy, if you go see a dr, they can do a blood test or an ultra sound to see how far along you are. I would say most likely it is the two month one, just because 4 days is VERY early to be getting a positive.
sometimes when you really want to be pregnant you will have feelings, the best way to figure out what is going on is to wait for af then go from there. i'm not saying that it is impossible to know now but most test do not work before your first missed af
hey kristy i had unprotected s_x 8days ago i feel the same way excepted i didnt take an e.p.t yet i feel cramping tiredness, sleepy, pain in my back and my b___st has been killing me i even thinking they are getting darker and i know it mite be to earlier but i dont know what to do
I'm in the same boat! I ovulated around the 27th of June and had s_x then and about 5 days later I started feeling exhausted and for the past week I've been getting nauseous on and off everyday. My period is due on the 13th and part of me thinks I'm just looney. I've also had some heartburn and I never get that and I've been cranky as heck. But I keep telling myself it's probably just my period coming but I just feel WEIRD and not like me!! FRUSTRATING!
Hi! I can't help you either, but I was wondering the same thing... My husband and I are trying for our second baby and had intercourse on Sunday, 4 days ago, and since I have been pooped, nauseous, have to pee alot, and have headaches! It was deemed to be my most fertile day, based on my 26-day cycle, it was day 12, but what is wierd is that I started taking those ovulation tests on Monday and I never got a "surge", therefore I suppose I ovulated before Sunday. What are the chances that I'm pregnant, even if my husband and I only had intercourse that one time?Could all of these symptoms just be a fluke, or just "wishful thinking"? Please ladies who were pregnant with these very early symptoms, please rea__sure me if it's possible that I'm not imagining all this! Thanks!
I started to have a tiny bit of bleeding 8 days of insenination. could it be implation or hormones
Can someone help? I really want to get pregnant and I had s_x on Monday 7/25/05 and its Thursday and I don't know if it is all in my head and I don't want to get my hopes up but I have been cramping a little and more leaking on the panties. My period started around the 14th-16th of this month (July) I just don't want to get my hopes up. Can anyone help?
I am in a similar situation. My husband and I have decided to try to get pregnant in 6 months. I started reading a book about choosing your babys s_x, and so I know it is possible for me to be pregnant. we had intercourse two days before my ovulation day. On ovulation day I cramped really bad on my left side. this was just Saturday. My b___sts feel fuller and my abdomen hard. This is also my fifth pregnancy so I feel half crazy and half like I know that I feel pregnant too. I don't think you are crazy. In fact if you want we can schedule a day next week to take our tests together. I think ept can be as early as 10 days after ovulation. Let me know. It would be nice to have someone to share this with. My husband is going to freak so I can't talk about this with him.
Me and my husband are in our second month of ttc. i had an LH surge on my ovulation test this past Saturday. we had unprotected s_x Saturday and Sunday. I feel really strange---increased urination, cramps, pains that shoot down my leg, sleepy-a lot of the symptoms I had the first time around. I had a beautiful baby boy March 8, 2005, but unfortunately, he had a congenital heart defect and only lived 12 days. We really want another baby. I hope that we are pregnant this month, and that it's not just false hope. I guess I'll find out soon enough. Good luck to everyone that is ttc.
I've been preganant 5 times. I remember funny feelings I get early on, like: a tickling/tingling sensation throughout my body, a feeling of deep thrist, and some lower ab feelings. Yesterday I felt some fellings in the left tube and today I feel it more on the front. We had unprotected pull-out s_x, early Saturday morning. It's the 2nd round I'm concerned about- he's uncirc_msied and I noticed there was a collective pool of juices at the head of the p___s before he put it in. Whenever I've become pregant in the past, he c_ms inside me but that didn't happen here. i used the ovulation caluclator after the s_x and of course discovered that my ovulation day is the 30th- the s_x day!. I don't want to be pregnant but already feel pregant, I'm about 90% sure that I will be missing my period the 14th or 15th of August. I am trying to arrange the Plan B but there is only a 50% effectiveness rate at 3 days. I don't know what to do. Techinically because he didn't ejaculate inside me, the risks aren't too high but since the timing is right, I'm sure there was enough sperm floating around to make it happen- and by my feelings, I think it did. I'm praying to God something happens soon so the test comes up NEGATIVE- I don't want to have to think about the issues I would have to think about if I am pregant. I'm mad at myself for not taking extra steps to prevent. Hopefully by the 20th I will let you all know that I have my period--- that is the outcome I would like to have, even if my heart and body are telling me to have another baby.
Hey Beth!!!! I think you were responding to me.... Okay it will be officially I week tonight when we finally decided to try and have a baby! Beth If you go under the forum Signs of Pregnancy and go under the topic ovulate on the 24/25 there are a few ladies going through the same... Unlike most this will be our first bundle of joy.... We are deciding to test on the 8th please come join us I love the company of knowing other ladies like me... its like a special bond... I just can't believe we are finally trying... See I am a school teacher and I always thought those would be my children but each year I get so attach and we just now want one of our own... symptoms.... I have been going poo a lot... I don't know what that means... I also have been getting the sharp weird pains in my lower stomach... fingers crossed... baby dust to all*
hey guys... just wanted to let you know i wasnt pregnant
Ashley, Sorry you didn't get pregnant.
Yes, you can. I knew I was pregnant the morning after I had s_x for my first pregnancy. I just knew, and a couple weeks later I took a test and it was positive! Good Luck!!