I am 3 days late. STill BFN. My period is always really regular. Have tons of symptoms, but am afraid they are just in my head. What is the longest anyone has heard it took someone to get a BFP (after they were late)?
This waiting game and hpt's are sooo frustrating. I had m/c at 5w5d on 7 Jan. Blood test confirm 0 level hcg on 31 Jan meaning the all hcg was gone. Symptons returned after that time. AF was due Saturday just gone. Never late. Took CONFIRM HPT and Crystal Clear HPT on Friday - faint positive. Took confirm again on Sunday - faint +. Took Digital test yesterday "Pregnant". Was so excited made Dr appointment for today. Symptons appear to be going. Just took Crystal Clear then and BFN. I just know the same thing is going to happen at Dr. M/c once I can understand but two times in a row is just plain depressing. I just know I am going to feel like an idiot at the drs I almost canceled appointment. But I though that if this happens twice in a row perhaps it is something to be followed up ?????? Am going to take digital test to take to Dr with me hopefully it will still say "positive". Wish me luck/
Just returned from Dr. Negative urine - bummer. He provided me with a printout of my previous blood results. At 5w 5d I had HCG levels of 73 which was quite low. The blood results on 31 Jan were <2 which confirmed the m/c. Anyway he has sent me for a blood test to see what my HCG levels are now. He advised not to be too concerned as I would only be 4 1/2 weeks and he said urine tests can still produce negative results at this stage even after positive results depending on the strength of the urine. Unfortunately it is hard to give a first morning urine at this time as I just started 7 nights shifts in a row and am only getting about 4 hours sleep at a time. Oh well I will find out tomorrow.
just thought I would up date things... I did a hpt last wednesday and after leaving the test becuase I didn;t see anything for at least the first minute I went for a run, when I came back there was a faint but very visible pink line (it was a tesco's HPT) i have read evaporation lines will only be grey!?!!? Also I have over a size larger bbs and am now late for my second period. I was due 7th /8th feb... I will take a test tomorrow but wanted some advice on the tesco's HPT?
sorry that was actually the wednesday b4 the last so over two weeks ago. I am also booked in for blood test wed 15th if still no AF.... so hopefully will get + or AF????? my mum never used pregancy tests and with me and my brother went to the doc's after missing the second period. the only real sympton she had was much bigger bbs! SO !?!?!?!?! the wait goes on!
I hope you get a BFP. I'll keep my fingers crossed!!
Right. Very wierd. After I returned from the Dr last night I felt AF was on its way. I have spent all night (working night shift right) running to the toilet as it feels just like AF had started. It's not AF it is (sorry if tmi) a water clear discharge. So much of it I am now having to wear a panty liner. I have read on the this post that many people have a lot of lotiony cm but was wondering if anyone has experienced watery cm. Also noticed last night that my face has broken out. BB's still sore to touch and walk fast however no longer feel like I am getting my nipple twisted. Minor nausea on and off during day. This wait is terrible. I am supposed to get a phone call about hcg levels this afternoon (aussie time).
I had some of those symptoms before I found out I was pregnant.
I think I'm late. My periods are usually timely, but now that I'm possibly late, I'm questioning the date of my last period. Does someone have a clue how to determine next period based on the last period? I just need to be sure I'm doing it right. It would be great to be pregnant, but I need to know because I have a some xrays that I need to take. Thanks.
Hi again...can someone fill me in on the acronyms? I'm reading through the responses and I'm not getting it, except for the 'o' which I'm a__suming stands for ovulation. Leave it to the newcomer!!
Well guess what. Blood test came back BFP !!!! Dr said HCG levels were not particulary high which would explain the neg urines and faint positives. However he said that he level is consistent with early pregnacy and prog levels good. I have to book in for my first u/s in two weeks. I am so happy as is DH !!! Good luck to everyone awaiting results. I hope you all get BFP. Baby dust to all !!!!
WOW! I wrote this one last month I was 4 days late but the witch snuck up on me.... so far this month I am 1 day late... we will see what happens in the morning.... I won't get my hopes up until I am atleast a week late.
hey I got my BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it is such a strong line... no mistaking it at all! I'm so excited I am even shaking as I type! I think I am 7-9 weeks.... so excited!!!!! last MP was 2nd dec and had lots of symptons just couldn't believe I kept getting neg... although hadn't tested for two weeks and the one I did last time I wasn't sure if it was evep line or positive... guess I know now... have bllod test on wednesday so guess I can get age confirmed...... blimey I so cna't belive it I want to tell the world .... lots of baby dust to all.....
Thats Great, Congratulations Clairol!! Im so happy to hear you are. What are your symptoms?
Congrats Clairol Good luck the rest of you!
I'm 6 days late, Took a hpt the first day and got a BFN(starting to think that was silly) We weren't trying to get pregnant but so far in the last month and a half I've had a ma__sive craving for particular foods, though they are not crazy type foods. Lots of gas, bloating, No sorness, yesterday I had a mild fever, some small cramps that normally turn out to be gas or a pending BM. My lady parts have been fairly active though, constantly re-lubricating. I've been moody off and on but mostly I'm just one happy camper. At times I get this feeling like an electric current in the area of my uterus, even a fluttry or tugging feeling and recently for the last three days it feels like there is a lump stuck in my throat, or like some food is stuck there.. I have no idea what that's about. I am hydrated for the most part but I'm curious, anyone else having these issues? I do plan to test again soon but I feel like I'm going a little crazy.