My boyfriend just told me that he hasn't wanted to be with me for a long time and after his birthday (after we found out I was pregnant with our second--first was a miscarriage) that he realized all the wanted were his friends. He did the whole "I want you to get an abortion" thing. Why would it matter if he's not going to be in the picture? Its not his decision. My mind is already made up. I just don't see how this all happened so fast. We were doing great, he seemed like he loved me. We got pregnant, experienced a loss together, got pregnant again, began planning a life... and suddenly I'm not exciting enough for him. He wants "more". He doesn't want to build a real life together, he just wants to party. Thats AFTER he asked me to marry him. I just don't understand. I never thought I'd become single after all we've been through. Its like he's an entirely different person all of a sudden. I don't know what I'm going to do. I'll have to quit school, live with my parents for a while until I can (hopefully) branch out on my own. I don't want to raise my child in the type of household I was raised in. I never wanted to go back there. Now I have to leave the life I have here behind because I don't have anyone else to depend on besides him. I'm still in such shock.