Im 9months pregnant, married getting a divorce, and 19years old. The babys father is not my husband, but thats not the reason Im getting a divorce. (Pos husband moved out of our apartment, and in with girlfriend. Honestly best thing that could have happened) The babys father, who doesnt live in the same state as me, doesnt want anything to do with the baby. I was going to move with him, but my doctor didnt want me to fly at the time. I had my bags packed and really wanted to go but he swears up and down that I didnt. I loved him, and still do, and I want him to be apart of the babys life. What can I do to change his mind? Hes 23 years old, in the military, and should be more mature than this but isnt. Ive gone through this whole pregnancy pretty much alone. I dont have a very good support system, and I want him back. I need advice or atleast, words of encouragement.