Pregnancy Lt Br Gt Tests-pg33

1 Replies
Jane - September 23

We dated 7 months with no problems. In the beginning of the relationship I asked him if it was a problem we were of different religious backgrounds. I am catholic and he is jewish. He said it wasn't a problem. We found out I was pregant in July and I was 4 months. At first he was accepting of the situation. We went shopping and started picking names. Then he told his family whom I have never met due to them living out of state. The next thing I know he moved away without telling me. The only thing I know is the brother kept telling him that I didn't know the reprocations of the situation. He doesn't call and I have had to resort to lawyers. He won't even claim paternity. Now I have to wait until the baby is born to have that test. The only conclusion I have is that it is a religious differences and the family didn't approve. I am alone and depressed all the time. What do you think about this?


Viv - September 23

There are Jewish families that will cut all ties with a relative who marries outside the faith. Evidently he was not strong enough to resist the threats. There is a remote possibility that you could appeal to his instincts by presenting yourself and child on his doorstep, but the humiliation of that is more than I could stand. Stand tall; you acted in good faith; find a support group of others in your situation, even here in these forums. Keep a grab bag of positive thoughts to dig into when you get depressed, and remember that the depression can be influenced by the hormones, (especially around what would have been period time?) ...



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