False Positive -pg121759971287
3 Replies
So I told the fatehr last night which actually went a little better than I had aniticipated. he said that a while back a girlfriend of his took 4 home tests and they all came back positive and then when she went to the doctor she wasnt pregnant. Has anybody ever heard of anything like this?
No, a false positive is very rare. Maybe she was and miscarried?
make sure he's not just ok with it because he thinks you aren't really pregnant.
Glad to hear it went better than expected. I've heard it's very rare also. Ditto the possibility she miscarried - she may have tested early. If you tested after being quite late, as a coworker said to me quite vigorously, grinning mischeviously 'YOU'RE PROBABLY PREGNANT(!!!)' At my first doctor's visit, they sat me down for the pregnancy preparation lecture *before* testing me to confirm anything. The fact that I told them I had (just one) positive test was enough for them.