Is Ne One Going Thru This
2 Replies
im in a bit of a situation im a young mother of a new baby and my babys father is soo in luv to the point where i feel like he loves me more then his child...i mean of course i want him to love me n everything and hes a good person......but isnt it more important for him to put our son before me i mean were not maried or ne thing
| ash - August 26 |
This is actally a good thing. As the bby grows, he will see how much you love eachothere and you will notice that as your child gets older, his father is going to become more and more attached to him also. Its not that he doesnt love him. because when the parents are happy, the baby grows up happy.
| CC - August 26 |
Answer: cant you ever make a girl happy? PLEASE! IF it's not one thing it's another, example "he pays too much attention to the baby and not me" Get over it, the fact that he looooves you means he'll do whatever to make you happy and he's still by your side. There are a lot of girls who would like to atleast have their baby's father around.