Looking For Some Advice-pg11998246886
2 Replies
Hi i am 23 yrs old and i am about 1 1/2 preg i was bleeding really light the other night so i called my OB and he said for me to go over to the hospital so i can get looked at well they did all kinda things and everything came back just fine and said everything my was alright!!! well i went to My OB on Monday he did a blooed test and pee test i stoped bleeding and have some cramps well last night i whent to the bath room and there was blood but it was still light do i called the doc!!! he said that some Women are going to do that and have some cramps is that true and told me to rest im also preg with twins and this is my frist time bein preg!!! my mom said the samethng that the docs said so if everything was closed up at the hospital and im bleedin am i okay can someone help me
Do you mean to say that you are 11/2 months along? Did you have an ultrasound, is that how you found out you were having twins. I don't want to scare you at all b/c they are right that this could be nothing and the fact that all the tests came back ok is a good sign but it could possible be a sign that you lost one of the babies too. That can happen and you would probably experience some bleeding but since there is still a baby there the pregnancy would continue and tests would appear normal. It's just a thought but if they did an ultrasound at the hospital and everything still looked good and there were still 2 babies then i'm sure everything is fine.
A lot of women spot during early pregnancy, and I've heard it is even more common with twins. As long as the blood isn't coming out heavily like it would with a period, you are crampy, or pa__sing tissue try not to worry. More than likely the doctor will tell you the same thing they did last time, but if it makes you feel better to call then just call. It's what they're there for.