Pregnant And He Doesnt Wanna Be With Me
20 Replies
I know you are hoping for the best, and I certainly wish you the best, but you need not wonder too much on what the future holds. Figure out what you want and take control before you come home one day and he is gone for good. It will hurt for a long time.....Start preparing for your child and his arrival.
well i guess im a fool. as soon as he went back to work what happens he is basically out every night till 4 am.. i cant keep doing this but its so hard to just leave when im scared he will be off with someone else or something. i just dont understand.. i wash, cook, clean, do everything he wants why am i not good enough?. what does he think he is missing out on?. he comes home and cuddles and kisses me and talks to me and acts like everything is all fine so why go in the first place. we seriously had the best relationship we talked for hours and even a lady on the street walked up to us one time and said. :" if everyone was in love like u too, there would be no wars". and it was so true. he even knows everything i like he could tell u how i wear my eye shaddow or how i look when i sleep?. is this just cold feet ... i know for a facgt there is no other girl but what the hell is going on...
ok I'm not sure if it works the same everywhere but after 7 years of living together and a house you guy are consider married. Commom law husband and wife. He wants to leave, bye, but he has to support you, pay for the house and pay child support. If the house is his, it doesn't matter you get it. Look into your rights as a common-law wife... This is not to make him stay with you , but to ensure that you and your baby will have the best..But do this only if you want to.
You can't let him use you like that. If he no longer loves you then he no longer gets to have s_x with you, or live with you. He want to be part of the babies life, great, but that doesn't mean he gets to use you. You must stand up for yourself and your child.
He can't live with you and hurt you that way its not good for the are a dime a dozen, the good one are hard to find, just keep looking. And remember now your baby is the most important person in your life. If you leaves and he will just think that you already got the best part of him. Your baby!
Living together is not common law no matter how long you live together . Two parties MUST agree that they are married, live together, and hold themselves out as husband and wife and even so, only 10 state recongnize common law and 1/2 of those only recognize it if it is before 1999.
he guys just an update i had my daughter 6 weeks was the best thing i have ever done. in the end my partner was with me he was so brilliant threw labor.. im so happy. he has been home with us and looks after us both. everythign is back to normal and going well. we have talked everything threw and got it all out in the open. i couldnt be more happy. i also want girls to know who have babies and dont have much support that my partner is great, but if i had to do this on my own i could. you think u dont wanna do it alone and are scared but having a baby gives u so much strength u can concor the world. i still look at her and wonder how me and him made this amazing little girls. but make no mistake being a mother comes first and if anyhthing happened like this again id walk in a second. even though i love him to death and am so glad it worked out. im so happy ..