What Did I Do To Deserve This
4 Replies
My bf who is 9 years younger then me left when I was 5 months preg. He said he wanted to be by himself. I dont understand this because he always told me from day one that he loved me more than life and if he lost me he would have nothing. He ignores my phone calls and so does his mother who he now lives with. I live with my mother again and I have two other children that im trying to get back from their grandmother. I wanted to give this baby up but the reality is i never could do that. Now he is saying that he wants to take the baby from me. I love him so much but dont know what to do. He said that he still has feelings for me but how could he if he ignored me, never calls me and wants to be left alone. He just turned 21 and partys with his friends alot. He also said he knew once the baby came he wouldnt be able to party so thats why hes doing it now. Im due in september and im having a little girl, he wanted a boy! Im so stressed out and feel like im loosing control.
Hmm...why are your other 2 children with their grandmother...did you lose custody of them?
isabella07, you did nothing to deserve this, most of us never deserve our misfortunes, take it from me. i'm 18 years old, my biological father, after a year of having no relationship w. him (against my own will) died this past march. i've hand an incredable tough school year this year, and now on top of it all, i may be pregnant. now i've made mistakes in my life, but none the less, i am a good person, i did not deserve any of the misfortunes that i've suffered through in my 18 year (and believe me, there's been quite a few), but i've had to deal with them anyway. and you'll make it through this, you'll be just fine in the end.
I lost my apartment in 05 and instead of dragging my kids down with me i put them in a secure environment. now she wants to keep them. but i have a good lawyer so that wont happen.
isabella07, I sympathize with your situation. I am expecting twins in September and I just got married to their father on Saturday, and I've never felt so alone in my life. In the past week since the wedding, things have changed, and he is now talking about leaving me and getting a divorce. Alcohol and partying have also been issues in our relationship. I have loved this man for 8 years but if he decides to leave, I have to accept the fact that it is through no fault of my own. I must be strong and take care of these babies that are on the way. I hope things work out in your relationship, but if not, keep your head up and stay stong for your kids. Good luck to you, sweetie.