What Should I Do -pg113711469118
4 Replies
my boyfriend and i decided to be together and try to work things out. the problem is that he has no interest in going with me to the doctors for the first visit. he feels he has no reason to be there!!! i think he should be there and i thought he would want to. i need him now and really would like his support. how can i make him understandhow important this is? any help would be appreciated.
| - January 17 |
its not that fun for him to be there. i only really wanted my to be there for the u/s.
but if u really want him there u need to tell how u truly feel about him being a part of this babys life
| jas - January 17 |
Personally, you are on thin ice as it is with just getting back together - I wouldn't push and just let him come around on his own....
I made a big deal about my boyfriend being there for my first visit and honestly it was a waste. I didn't want him in there for the pap and I was going to get a nurse to go and get him for the rest but the visit but it was over before I had a chance. He basically took time off of work for nothing. You don't get to hear the heartbeat or anything on your first visit so it's really not that important. The doctor does the physical exam, asks a few questions and out you go. I spent more time in the waiting room. I felt bad about making such a hige deal about it after. He should go with you to the important ones, like when you hear the first heartbeat, and your first ultrasoud. If you really want him to be there than I suggest trying to make it sound exciting, like he would really be missing out if he didn't go. Try and stay away from guilt tripping him because it doesn't work. I know from experience. Good luck : )
thanks nikol. reading your response made me really think. i guess i am just being hyper sensitive about this. you are right...i will include him on the important visits.