hiya im 11 weeks pregnant and keeping the baby still wiv my bf and hes ok and sticking by me now the problem is last month for about 3 weeks i had drown discharge i went to have a scan becus my dr said so.....but am i ment to fill anythink to do with the baby lol or is it still to early?
I think it's fine. With my daughter I bled and she's fine. It was probably just old blood wanting to expel itself because your period was due or you had implantation bleeding. You probably wont feel the baby for awhile. With first pregnancies you feel them usually between 15 weeks and up. I felt my daughter at 15 weeks. Good luck.
11 weeks would be very early to feel movement. Your baby is still very very tiny. A lot of women have some spotting like that in early pregnancy. The fact the blood was brown and not red means it's old and is usually a good sign. The biggest concern for miscarriage is before 12 weeks so once you hit that point it highly likely you'll continue on with a healthy pregnancy.
Mees be maybee 11 weeks wid me bf and wiv. GROW UP ALREADY, geeze what are we suppose to say...? You are so unprepared to be a mother it is not even funny! Go tell your mommy and daddy and your bf mommy and daddy.
ok i didnt post to be told i aint ready to be a mum thanks as u dont no me so shut the fuk up and thak u addys mummy ur answer helped and also thanks to grown_up
franny: don't you have a small child to push in the mud somewhere. grow up and p__s off. kthxbye. my 18 year old SIL says wif and all sorts of weird words and i daresay she's probably more mature and ready for a child than you. just because you're such an old fart that you don't understand the younger generations new slang doesn't mean you should be an a__s.
This is simply poor English how ever you want to look at it. As people say on here often. English, learn it properly. Add to add on, try to be the best example for your child.
Teddy, how do you pronounce "wif"...? Is it like wiff..? What does bad English have to do with "younger generations" anyway?
iona: true but kids will do what they want and eventually get over it. might as well let them cuz the harder they're pushed, the harder they push back and contrary to what we think we know, we don't win. **lunamoo** yeah it's wiff. it's just what i've heard younger kids do. dunno why, but you just have to learn to translate until they remember how english really goes. you wouldn't slap your grandma for saying "thou" even though we don't say it would you? same mentality.it's easier to learn the language than right them.
she atually spelt with "wiv" not "wif" and that is the only slang she used so get over yourself and i agree with teddy about thou u wouldn;t slap ypur granny for saying it lol
angel, i'm talking about my SIL. she says wif. i just struggle through the tranlsations and speak back normally. it's all we can do lol.