Cried yet cause something just wasnt right??
Well I have, today I went to Dairy Queen and got an M&M blizzard and instead putting the regular vanilla in it like they usually do they put chocolate in mine and when I got home and found out I just started crying and didn't stop until my mom calmed me down.
Lol I know it sounds really small but I was looking forward to this blizzard so much.
hahahaha i cried for three hours because i couldnt find my dogs leash and i really didnt want her to pee on the floor, my bf found me on the floor and he was like... why didnt you let her out in the yard I ALMOST KILLED HIM!! haha
Yeah pretty much my entire pregnancy. It was weird, I'd cry over a lot of little things that really didn't matter... Like if the commercials were taking too long when I was watching TV, or if I had a bad hair day etc. But I never really cried about anything big. In fact, since my baby blues were over (I would cry literally every time Ellie cried because I felt so bad for her.) I have not cried once. Not over something small or something big... I have felt disappointed but never sad. I dunno... I guess there's just not much that could bring my spirits down now-a-days.
God it's normal with pregnancy but I get that way as my new form of pms. The 24 hours before my period starts I am a ticking time bomb for a moment where I break down over the slightest disappointment.It's so weird because I really didn't even get that way during my pregnancy. I mean I cried over like sentimental commercial (or just frigging gap commercial or AE commercials with pretty music), and sometimes I'd have a breakdown if I watched a movie and it didn't have the glorious ending I wanted it to have! LOL!
ahahah lol I always do like when I get mad when my parents ground me or something I like spaz and burst into tears! its so childish lol I know its hormones but its hard to explain that to people. lol