Well. First I got only 2 hrs of sleep.. or so. Then I had to go to a doctors appointment. Addy was horrible. I am measuring fine though, 132 bpm heart rate. Well we come home, Jeff got us some breakfast, and he told me to take a nap. Well I had been having cramps all morning and thought h__l yeah a nap would be GREAT. So I took one. Woke up a few hours later cramping has not gone away. So I go to the bathroom, wash off my hands and check my cervix. I am freaking dilating. I was at least 2 cms. So we went to the hospital. They check me, say well you are dilating but you are high and thick don't worry. Well after some panels they see I have a few infections on top of a UTI. I have a bacterial, a UTI, and yeast infection on my cervix only. So after 4 hrs in L and D I get to go home with some medication and cramps and ugh. Everything. So I pretty much am supposed to just relax and take the medicine and that. Also I have to keep an eye on my cramping make sure it's not getting worse etc etc. Sorry, had a bad and longgggg day.
addy-sorry to hear that your dilating, thats not good, just take it easy if it makes you feel better i had a day much like yours last night.. one of jons friends had his girlfriend call us last night at 2 am and tell us that he had taken a bunch of pills, and they had to rush him to the hospital, so we rushed down, and found out he was borderline in a coma, we went back to see him he looked terrible, it took them 6 hours to stablize him and now they have to do all the suicide a__sesments, so we didnt get any sleep, and then when we got home Dominik was just getting up, and robin(jons mom) was asking Jon to fiz her car so she could leave, cuz shes now moving in with some random guy but on the way here blew her tie rod, in the car.. so i know what you mean by a long day ahah lol hopefully you start to feel better and Addy is a little less horrible >.<
Sorry to hear you had a bad day. Did they say why you dialated? Its not really as bad as it sounds as long as your cervix is high and firm. I dialated to 4 1/2 cm at 26 weeks with Rylie. (while in labor) After they stopped the labor my cervix closed to 2 1/2 cm after 2 weeks. I stayed that way until i had her 12 weeks later. Though the no s_x part sucks!
Sorry about your infections. Don't worry about your dilation though. I walked around 3cm dilated for 5 weeks on top of a very thin lining.
Hey Ashley, dang that is a c___ppy day too! I'm sorry to hear about you friend, it's so hard to go through that.. and especially when they decide to harm themselves on purpose.Reminds me of my sister actually, because when I got the first phone call she was at the hospital, only until the 2nd phone call did I hear well she didn't make it. If you want to talk about it, I'm here. It's pretty hard to go through but at least your friend is alive, but he's gonna need a lot of help and a LOT of support. And hey, at least Jons mom will be LEAVING! lol!
Newbaby- They didn't actually tell me why I was dilated! they just said that it's normal, especially with your second and that it was good I was high and thick. But you give me hope lol I don't want to go into preterm labor.. I want to keep V in there for as long as I can heh.
Amanda- Thanks for that. I was really scared.. cause it just didn't happen with Addy but it is my 2nd so I guess I have to take that into consideration too.
im sure if the doctors think you,l be fine it will be ok.good luck..newbaby i thought you actuallt gave birth at 26weeks? hmm must of read something wrong
No. I went into labor at 26 weeks and they stopped it. Rylie was born at 38 weeks. Thats exactly what ive always said.
lol i didnt say you said anything different! i didnt see where you said you actualy gave birth at 38 weeks i had read that you went in to labour at 26 weeks so by that i thought you had had her at 26 weeks........i did say i must of misread..which i didnt i just didnt see where you said you had her at 38 weeks and seen that you went in to labour at 26weeks so a__sumed you had her then! my bad
Then read an entire post before you post something. Not trying to start anything, its just so annoying and you do it all the time.
They think I'm fine so I hope I am too.. lol.
and i did read an entire post! but i guess one of the posts that i read was one where you were talking about going in to labour at 26weeks! i allready said i a__sumed you had her then and i was wrong! there was nothing in the post where you actually said you carried to full term still! i,ve never read that! only the posts where you talk about goin gin to labour! jeesh! calm it!
You are such an ignorant little twit. You alone have ruined this site for me. Congrats!
ok newbaby dont throw your toys out of the pram and act like a prat.......i simply told you where i was mistaken! i was being mature! i told you why i thought you had her at 26weeks because i,ve only read that you went in to labour at 26 weeks!! i,ve told you it was wrong of me to a__sume that because you went in to labour you gave birth then aswell..........i was being mature! so whats your problem? or yeh your just being a brat..........if your going to let someone like me ruin this site for you becuase i admited i was wrong and you couldnt have a go at me for it then fine it shows how grown up you are..............im not fighting any more so either dont reply or be civil its what im doing..........i just wanted to explain why i was wrong sorry you cant handle that
Uhhmm anyways Tess, a lot of women dilate really early. I remember a woman telling me she was 4cm dilated at 30 weeks and didn't go into labor until 41 weeks. You'll be fine :)
Lol soooo annyyywayysss... yeah I am still dilated but I guess it is normal... scary but normal lol. I need to see a dentist though, I keep getting things stuck in my back tooth and it keeps getting swollen and I am afraid it's infected -_-;