Anyone know of treatment for pregnant women with a sinus infection? I am so miserable. Im extremely stuffed up, and my sinus cavities just throb. My eyes are itchy and watery. Cant stop sneezing, I had an ultrasound today and everytime i sneezed the poor baby got slammed against the wall and started swinging and kicking trying to fend off its invisible attacker, Is nasal spray ok to use? I cant frickin breathe!
Try to call your dr or call your local pharmacy. They will tell you what you can take. I think I may have taken benedryl when I was pregnant, I don't remember. I know I took tylenol and sometimes tylenol pm.
safefetus.com is great for finding out what you can and can't take XP
you can very easily look up online or call you dr to find out what you should take....but If you mix salt and water and snort it, it kills all the infection...do it one or twice a day...Alot of people do it on a weekly basis when not sick, just to prevent infection....It burns a bit but you get use to it pretty quickly
eating hot salsa usually clears my sinuses =P
Thanks. Snorting water seems kind of dangerous. You can drown if water goes p your nose wrong, lol. I LOVE hot stuff. But it gives me rhe worst heartburn during pregnancy. Rylie was born with a head full of hair so it was worth it!