A Thread Where Anal Will Go Completely Ignored
50 Replies
Hmm well if a jaccuzzi tub and a hot tub are the same thing we dont need to hook up our hot tub. Our downstairs bathroom had a two person jaccuzzi tub with 6 jets per person, pillows, and everything. So it basically is just like the hot tub. Its about the same size too. The hot tub is only a two person as well. And its an ugly shade of reddish brown.
or you could hop in my shower I have 6 jets in my shower....lol It is kinda annoying though cause my shower is huge so i am always freezing
lol pb she was talking to teddy
yeah newbaby, lol no point, but if you do it outside then you can watch the stars...so lol. but man when we get our new house, we are going to get a nice bath tub because i LOVE taking baths. lol
Yea good point PB. Though with a newborn and a toddler im not sure ill have any time to watch the stars, lol. Also, while i love soaking in the hot tub, i hate that freezing cold moment between hot tub and going back in the house.
lol have you tried s_x in a hot tub. its great. When we had ours though it was right outside the door on the deck lol so we didn't have to run far. lol you never know though. you may get an off oppertunity with your man to enjoy a night under the dark.
wow girls i swear im the only one scared like hell to have s_x at all..
PC Wife - no you are not the only one haha ..... I am with you there!
Haha, pregnancy s_x is awesome!
pcfwife i cant stand it while pregnant it makes me feel horrible lol!! but theres always 1 week in each month where im like a h__y rabbit and he loves it lol! its all to do with hormones!! some love s_x and some hate it while pregnant! why are you scared though? i mean you could just do it gentaly lol! just remember you have a big thick cervix in the way lol good luck
man s_x in a hot tub is awsome!!! I was a nympho when i was pregnant. I told you I had s_x when my water broke just because i was disipointed because i thought it didnt actally break like i thought
yeah totally newbaby!!! rock on DB!!!!
I am definitely not worried about having s_x lol I want it allll the time.. thankfully I get it xD
I was scared of having s_x when I was pregnant too. We kind of did once... not really, but I got an enormous BH and my belly went super hard and my popped out bely b___ton sunk in... It lasted a really long time too. My belly was practically flat and I was freaking out saying "Where is she? Oh my god where is she?? WE SMOOSHED HER!! WHAT HAVE I DON--- oh okay it's over."
mymum wanted all the time 2 she used to call my dad home from demanding s_x............i didnt know that at the time lol. they say some love it some hate it!
Haha. Yea, you definately shouldnt have s_x while pregnant with out knowing orgasam causes strong BH contractions. That would probabaly be pretty scary. But its totally worth it! (as long as its ok for you to have an orgasam. I was told we can have s_x but no orgasams)