im 38 weeks and 1 day pregnant im due nov 14, ive lost my mucus plug and my son has droped.im at a station 0 and 50%effaced but NO DIELATION > : / im very sick of being pregnant how long do you think it will be before i deliver oh ive also had some pre-labor symptoms but no REAL contractions this is also my first baby.....can someone please help im going crazy!!!
i wish i could help lol. i'm a little behind you, but my u/s tech says i'm due november 28th based on the baby's size at 6 weeks....i thought they went by the 18 week u/s, but whatever lol. good luck and when you do go into labor, send some labor luck my way pleeease! oh and let us know how the birth goes and stuff ^^
No one can tell you. They come when they come. I was losing chunks of my mucous plug at 13ish weeks and made it to full term. Be patient, your baby is just preparing for the big arrival. They want it to be a surprise :)
If you want to try naturally inducing yourself try having s_x, eating spicy foods, taking long walks or eating pineapple. Good luck.
Yeah s_x is a good one because orgasm kind of starts up contractions, also s____n goes up to your cervix and has something in it that helps soften it and can trigger dilation. But all in all your body goes through a checklist of things in preparation for labor, and it's going to do it at it's own pace. Some people lose their mucus plug and have their baby that day, some have it two weeks later, and as you see from previous posts, some have it months later. Take comfort that it won't be months later, if you don't have the baby naturally in the next 2-3 weeks, your doctor will schedule you for an induction. If your growing majorly uncomfortable (I'm guessing because your posting and the tone is desperate) and it's getting worse by the day, then my guess is that it will be pretty soon.
Oh also nipple stimulation is supposed to help bring labor along.
thank you all for your advice....ive been walking lots and lots of walking but ill just keep walking and try the nipple stimulation and just keep my fingers crossed...i guess NOBODY is pregnant forever....
Nipple stimulation is what got my contractions going after my water broke. I used my b___st pump in two minute incraments every 5 mins, on a low setting. But i lost my mucus plug with #2 at 27weeks and then it grew back and i started loosing chunks of it the week my water broke.
Yeah, I keep losing mine. Oh also.. orgasms! If you can't have s_x, masturbate!
Hey nawna24 - like everyone else said they come when they come :) I know its frustrating but hang in there! With my little girl (first also) I really didnt have any signs and never notice my mucus plug at all - also no BH contractions either. One thing I did notice in hind sight - the night my water broke bub was VERY active like really kicking the sh*t out of me :) Good luck and I hope it happens for you very soon!!!!
I ate a spicy chicken sandwich without thinking when I was pregnant, I woke up with a broken water and about 15 minutes later I started getting real contractions. 10 hours later I had my baby in my arms :) It could be a coincidence but I had a huge craving for something spicy... and while I was eating it I got one, very long, BH that lasted from first bite to last.