can your s_x drive be increased as an early pregnancy symptom?? i have other symptoms but i havn't tested yet, and i have noticed that one being the most! lol is that possible?!
S_x increase is a sign that you are pregnant and no its no a bad thing to want s_x more then normal. Its just cuz you have a lot more hormones in your body from the baby that is developing inside of you. You would want to get tested as soon as possible. For me i want s_x alot more and i found out that i am pregnant and my boyfriend says he will be there for me and the baby no matter what happens. He doesnt want to be like his dad and leave me with a child that i have to take care of on me own. When you find out you would want to tell the father of the baby so he can decide if he wants to be a part of the kids life or if he wants nothing to do with the kid.