Trying Again-pg121071562316
34 Replies
Calm down Amanda19, iona was asking a very valid question. Anyway good luck
She is calm.. she was explaining her situation.. o_O
I am calm. But telling someone that theyh are obviously "young and fertile" is making an a__sumption. W?hen a doctor prescribes someone provera and clomid it's for a reason, not just for laughs. If I was fertile would a doctor really prescribe it? I doubt it.
Doctors do a lot of unnecessary things like induce labor, c-sections, frighten pregnant women with false diagnosis via ultra sound etc. I thought it was also a bit strange that only 10 months after birth you would be prescribed those drugs, only because I have ready that the average period of a b___st feeding women is 13 months! In my case my dd was 15 months when my period came back, and then irregular at that. My dr. said it was normal... Anyway again, good luck!
I'm not b___st feeding. I've had one period since my dd was born, 4 months ago. My cycle has ALWAYS been like this so of course I;m not going to try for nothing. Yes I'm going to get help instead of sitting around wasting time. My doctor doesnt think this is normal and knowing my history didnt see a point in waiting around for a year for nothing.
wow i guess that i am kinda lucky.. with my daughter i got pregnant really quick. i only bf for a month bc i didn't have enough milk for her and it took us about five months with the help of prenantals to get pregnant with our twin boys
Whaaaaaatttt.... How are ANY of those procedures unnecessary? Anyway, it's kind of ridiculous for anyone to be questioning Amanda. She knows she's infertile and so does her doctor... Thus the drugs. I don't see why there are any questions regarding the matter. It's a pretty simple concept.
She is in a teen forum and has a baby and is now trying for number is that infertile??
why are people so judgemental???? you don't have to be under 18 to be in here to talk and tell your story!!!! i am 21 and i feel like i can relate to these people better and like her name says she's 19 (correct me if i am wrong). i guess people are going to say whatever they feel like i just don't understand why it always has to be negitive.
Uhhhhh.... Because people who are infertile take drugs so they can have babies. Are you a__suming her daughter was an accident just because she's a teen? She had to go through the same thing to get pregnant with her daughter too... Jeeze I don't get why this is so hard for people to understand.
Ok you guys are all right! I'm not infertile at all! I just want to take the medication for the hell of it! My cycles are fine, it doesnt matter if you only have 3 a year! No harm in that. BTW I'm almost 21, I come here because I have for years and I feel comfortable here. Anyway wish me luck with my fertility meds that I really dont need because I;m completely normal, I must be because I'm young. My daughter was a accident, except the medication I was on to conceive her. Does anyone see that your making no sense??? Why the a__sumptions? Contrary to popular belief not all teenagers share a soda and get knocked up. For some of us it is just as hard as older woman.
Good luck, Amanda19. Sorry people are being so rude to you about your situation. It's seems pretty petty to me. Obviously, if a doctor is prescribing it to you, then there's a reason. Some people just choose to argue, and be ignorant...
Yeah , it's dumb to a__sume that you are just fine because you have another child. I mean c___p, it took my husband and I about 6 months to conceive this one but Addy.. it took the first month. I had been getting worried because I had a miscarriage in awhile back in 07 and my cervix would not close even after that. I was afraid I'd have to get a cerclage and everything... and after my m/c I did not feel the normal ovulation twinges and increased CM. Everyone is different. If Amanda can support her children and she has a good life for them then what would it matter? My 2nd will be born and I am 20. My husband and I can take care of both of our children mentally, physically, and financially. Is that terrible of me? Amanda19, I'm sorry people sit there and bash you.. but others support you ( like me, we are in similar situations!) and hey, I hope you get your BFP a.s.a.p. Oh and I commend you for being able to know that if you get pregnant on the first try your first will be 19 months and you will have a newborn, you will have your hands full.. but it's so worth it!!
Thanks rachel and addysmummy! It's really a stupid subject to debate me on dont you think? Obviously I wouldnt take anything not needed especially something that turns me into a basket case lol. But whatever.
Yeahhh I really don't understand why people were so confused by this... Anyway Amanda, just wanted to wish you luck again :)
Hi Amanda19, sorry if I came off as being rude. I just (stupidly) thought that with the 19 you were actually 19 and I just thought it was strange to be perscribed such medication so soon after birth. I didn't get my periods until over a year after my dd and I was never regular to begin with...Good luck!!!