I was having contractions 2 weeks ago and found out I am 1 centimeter dialated and 50 percent effaced. I was wondering if this means my ay is going to come early?
What did your dr say about it?? I would be finding out from them as 29 weeks seems pretty early to be at that point. I am at 33 w and have no dialation or effacment yet and really have had no contractions to date. I woudl check back in wiht them and see what they think hon. Good luck!! :)
Thanks! They are checking me each week now to be sure.. It still freaks me out a little
effacement and dilation or no indication of labor or when labor will occur, Im sure you have nothing o worry about... though 29 weeks is a little early... I hope everything works out :) good luck hon, and congrats on your LO.
Jaimelynne- I I was actually those exact numbers at 30 weeks with my first pregnancy (last year) and they put me on something to stop the contractions but I had a bad reaction so they just stopped it (I was on them for a total of about a week) and they said that as long as I don't feel them really strong I should be just fine- no bed rest or anything- I made it to 39 weeks!!