32 Weeks And Having Contractions Anyone Else Have This
3 Replies
I am 32 weeks tomorrow. I just got back from the Dr. I am having contractions, I am a finger tip dialated......They gave me a steroid shot to help the baby's lungs develope faster.. I go tomorrow for another one. Has anyone had this happen? this is my second pregnancy......my youngest is 14 1/2 months old. Just wanting to hear others experience on this
Hey, I'm almost 33 weeks...third pregnancy. I've been having contractions but nothing regular or anything similar to true labor. I haven't been examined yet so don't know if I'm dilated but I do know with my first pregnancy at 35 weeks I was 2 cm dilated but didn't end up having my son when I was 38 1/2 weeks and even then I was induced.
| jg - February 9 |
Yes I went into early labour at 33.5 weeks. I had the two steroid shots and was in hospital for a week, going into labour 4 times which they managed to stop. I ended up going 6 days over! Good luck!!
just wanted to update everyone.......sorry i haven't been around i ended up in the hospital Saturday night with contractions, major lower back pain. I have not dialated anymore, baby is now breach but we were able to slow down the contractions. Dr. doesn't want to give me anything to stop them and i am not gettin them consistantly enough. They did a swab test which tells you if you are going to have baby in the next two weeks.... it came back negative.......thank god.....i am on strick bedrest now...........I guess it's just a waiting game. I hope all is going to be ok. I know this is to early to have baby. I will keep you all posted as time goes on. Thank you for your responses