32 Week Scan Measurements
3 Replies
Hi there. Not sure if I'm worrying unnecessarily here... Our little boy's 20 week scan measurements were spot on - all totally average except his femur length which was slightly above average. Yesterday I had a 32 week scan which showed all his head & abdomen measurements to be huge, with his femur length slightly less than average. Could this be indicative of any growth problem? My doctor didn't seem overly concerned but is doing some glucose tolerance tests next week as he's already weighing 4lbs 14 oz! Urine was fine yesterday though. How accurate are these measurements - does anyone know?! Also, he's in the transverse position - anyone have experience of baby turning from this position after 32 weeks?
Many thanks ladies!
It could just mean he is not going to be a long baby :) how tall are u and your DH?
Hey Becky- I too just had our 32 week u/s and our baby girl is measuring big as well. She is about 5.2lbs and on the larger size they said. All my glucose tests were noraml as well. I kinda freaked out at how big she was, but then you have to remeber that it is all a guestimate!! If your dr didn't seem concerned then you shouldn't be either. Sometimes their measurments are off on those scans due to distortion or fluid or just error. Nothing is 100%. The average baby at 32 weeks should be around 4.4lbs, so it looks like he is right on track. At this point if there was any concern about any type of growth problem it would have been identified. Don't stress, your little one is just fine!! Maybe he just head a growth spurt as well, who knows! :)
I'm 5'5" and my DH is 6'. I think the doctors plan to do another scan at 34 weeks so maybe the measurements will turn out to have been a bit off...! Thanks ladies.