Hi everybody, I am due Friday,June 26 and I am so so tired of being preggo. I'm due to have a boy and he is growing rapidly. 2 weeks ago he measured 8.4 ounces!! I feel him all in my rib area especially at night. I feel so heavy at times. I'm dialated 3-4 centimeters 50% efaced as of last friday and still no baby!!! This is my 4th child and I thought I would have delivered 2 weeks ago. I'm having contractions everyday and they all seem so real until I wake up the next morning still pregnant. I have been walking,bedding you name it and nothing. Lots of muscus (sorry TMI) but that's it. I have another u/s on thursday and that's when my dr. will schedule an induction if I go till then. I don't want to be induced AT ALL!! With my other babies I was between 2 weeks to 3 days early. My boy was 8.2 pounds and my dd's were in the 7 pound area. I'm so afraid that this baby will be huge and painful like my first. I'm definately requesting an epidural. I am so uncomfortable right now, I can barely sleep at night, my feet are swollen and it seems that I don't have any room left for my stomach to stretch. I'm too afraid to take anything to trigger active labor so I'm just here, waiting. Wish me luck during these next couple days cause I don't know when my little one will make his big debut!!!!