39 Weeks Measuring 42 Weeks Induction Next Week
11 Replies
i am 39 weeks today and my dr. said i am measuring 42 weeks at my appt. today. she won't induce me though. she said that 85% of babies born are smaller than my baby right now. isn't this going to make it so much harder for me to have him if he's as huge as they say he is? i'll probably end up getting a c-section. i just don't understand why she doesn't induce me now. she said if i don't have him by next wednesday that she'll schedule me then for an induction. i just don't get it why she is letting me go and go if he's measuring that big
oh and this is my first baby, i'm 23 and small besides being heavy. dad is huge. i think this is going to be really hard on me and she doesn't care
i forgot to say that the dr. said i am 75% effaced but 0 dialation
i'm in the exact same boat as you except i'm due today. i am measuring 43 weeks and my baby is apparently goin to be a 10lber... i ahve an ultrasound on friday to see how big he is now, at 37 weeks he was 8lb 6 oz. i have to see doc on tuesday next week to see what we are gonna do aobut it. apparently i have a narrow pelvis and my body might not be able to accomodate my baby so i might have to a c section, i'm not looking forward to that either. i too am aobut 75% effaced but no dialation. this is my first baby and i'm 31... well good luck to you.
oh i'm so glad i'm not the only one. at 37 weeks he was measuring 7lb 9 oz. i don't understand why they don't induce now. why would they let us keep going knowing that labor is going to be even tougher and possible c-section because of the baby's size?!! it drives me crazy. i know they want to make sure he's fully developed in his lungs but come on. i hope you don't have to have a c-section. and good luck to you too. let me know what happens
Crystal, trust your body and most of all mother nature. Why induce!?! That runs risks for both you and your baby! There is no need to plan a C-section before you have even begun labor. Relax and remember a pregnancy running 2 weeks past the EDD is still NORMAL, just as it is to give birth 2 weeks before. Plus measuring 42 weeks says what...? That is just an estimate your dr. is giving you. Is she trying to scare you into an induction...? U/s weight estimates can be off by 2 pounds!
I know it sucks being 39 weeks pregnanyc, but doctor is being safe waiting until a full 40 weeks before induction. Sometimes measurements are off. My friend measured 3 cm ahead, and has a baby 7lb 3 oz. I measured 3cm behind and baby weighted 7lb 10 oz, so sometimes, measurements are off. Hopefully they are in your case! Good luck!
honestly, you can be measuring that far ahead only cause you probably have extra fluid. ive herd that is very normal when you measure ahead rather than a large baby.
i agree i would rather go naturally but since the ultrasound showed he weighed 8 pounds over two weeks ago and i continue to measure bigger every week, the dr. says she is inducing me if i dont' have him by next week. i hope she is off but now i'm scared that he's so big that it'll be really touch labor and big chance for induction. therefor i would rather the sooner the better. the babies on dad's side were all around 10 pounds, one being 13 pounds. so they grow them big on his side,LOL. i'll let everyone know what happens and just how big he is when he gets here.
oh they measured the fluid at another ultrasound just last week and the fluid is normal. so baby is just big. she said that 85% of newborns are smaller than him. he's in the top 15% of big babies. we'll see if there off, i hope they are. and i hope he decides to come on his own in the next few days. i have been walking like crazy and getting braxton hicks here and there and it feels like i'm being stabbed in the v____a sometimes. i'm very uncomfortable and i hope all this means he is coming
it's getting so close, only two more days till my 40 week appt. then she'll schedule me for inducing. i really hope he's not so big that he can't fit through my pelvic bone. oh i wish he would come now. i can hardly sleep anymore, i have to pee like 5/6 times a night. as soon as the sun comes up, i'm up.
I'm due next week and in the same boat as you, 38.6 weeks measuring 42 weeks. Just wondering how much your baby ended up weighing. They are guessing 9lbs for me right now and may not induce for another 2 weeks. Just curious.