Braxton Hicks And Dilation
4 Replies
I had my first braxton hicks the other day, had them randomly all day long. (very painful ones, one which lasted near 2 mins) I'm 38 weeks and my last two doc visit I was told that I've not dialated. My next doc visit is tm. I'm wondering what are the odds that I'll be some what dialated now after having the bh? My husband and I both get the feeling from what my doctor said that as soon as I start to dialate she would allow me to be induced. Should I get my hopes up? :)
I don't know about that. I know that BH are supposed to prepare you for labor, but I have been having some fiece ones and no change in dillation, but then again each woman is different...
my BH have been quite strong last couple of weeks but am no further forward with dilation, try not to get ya hopes up hun :=) xx
I have been dilated to 2 for 3 weeks now. When she told me I was at 2, I was shocked b/c I hadn't felt a thing. I've been having fierce contractions off and on for 2 weeks and no change. Try not to get to excited until your dr checks you or you'll be all bummed out like me.
I think it's really variable. I've been having them since 15 wks with this pregnancy, and they definitely haven't been dilating me! Now they're really strong and often more than 10 a day. My dr hasn't checked yet but said at 34 wks I could be starting to dilate. With ,y first oncee I started having strong BH at about 38 wks they did dilate me and soften my cervix, and my son was born 5 days early.