Glucose Test Pg1259758941
4 Replies
I am 28 + 2 weeks pregnant. I had an ultra sound today which showed that the baby is 1449 g or 3.19 pounds. My doc said that this was quite big (my husband is also tall) and so has suggested a glucose test for diabetes.
Does anybody know any negative side effects to the fetus with the glucose test? I am against taking thing unnecessarily.
As I am low risk for diabetes I am hesitant to take it (especially with the tall husband), however I don't want to spend the next 11 weeks worrying... and so think that I will.
Would be interested if other people have had the tests, routinely or from concerns of the fetus size. Every website that i check for fetus size is different (sometimes very different!)
Hi Yolland- the glucose test is pretty much standard across the board and there is no harm to the baby or yourself. They simply have you fast for i think 6 hours, and then drink a sugary liquid, sit still for about an hour, and then they take your blood and send that in for testing. Should your results come back showing an increased glucose test, they send you in for further testing. But if they come back normal, you are done at that point.
I have to agree with what rpats has said, this is a pretty harmeless test, but an important one. Most doctors order this one for all pregnant women regardless of risk. If you do have gb (gestational diabaties) your doctor will probably put you on a special diet and also monoter your baby's growth very carefully. It's important to note that even though babies of mothers with gb may be bigger than average at birth they can have lung maturity issues so it's important to know so the doctors and nurses can be prepared. There is also a chance your baby is just on the bigger side, mine was but i didn't have gb, and of course ultrasounds can be a little off. Good luck.
hey yolland,
my opinion on the glucose test is that i wouldnt get it , im 28 weeks and i didnt get it done, i know im not diabetic, i know theres no promblems that have been in my family . so i chose not to get it.
but the main reason i didnt get it was because they said how the test will go is that i dont eat or drink anything for a few hours then they will give me a soft drink, and then take the test,
but if you dont eat or drink anything for a few hours then go and have soft drink or a fizzy drink of course your blood is going to come back and say you are a diabetic because of all the chemicals and stuff in soft drinks. thats why i chose not to have it , but honestly its up to you, do alot of reasearch before you get it done tho.
hope that helped
Spakata, keep in mind that they are screening for gestational diabetes, a condition that can develope during pregnancy. This has nothing to do with type 1 or 2 diabetes. While a pregnant woman's chances of developing it are pretty low it can happen even if there is no family history or a woman's weight is in the normal range.
While i admit the test is no picnic the reason you fast is to see how well your pancreas can process that amount of gulcose you are given to drink. They take a blood sample before the drink and then one an hour later. If you fail that test it does not mean you automatically have gestational diabetes, usually the woman goes on to take the same test again but it is done over a 3 hour period. With a sample taken before the drink and one every hour for 3 hours. Again, no fun, but if it turns out you do have it it can cause your baby to be larger than an average baby, which can lead to an incresed chance of c-section, it can also cause lung maturity issues.
The treatment can be as simple as being put on a special diet and monitoring your sugar levels. Some women do require insuln shots.
Obviously, whether a woman wants to do this test is certainly a personal one, I just think there is some confusion out there when diabetes is mentioned.