Is Anyone On Progesterone To Prevent Preterm Labor
3 Replies
I'm 12 weeks pregnant and my doctor want's me to start the shots at 18 weeks because I have had preterm labor with my last two pregnancies. My last baby was born at 34 weeks. I was wondering if it really works? Any advise would be of help.
I am about 36 weeks pregnant. I've been having braxton hicks contaractions and some times all I wanna do is lie in bed. I'm not completely inactive. I've been able to cook, do some cleaning and working on getting the baby's room together. Otherwise I don't have any energy for anything else. In my mind idlike to get outside and walk but haven't mustered up the energy. I'm overall pretty healthy weight. Is it normal I feel like staying home and resting like this?
How are others feeling at 36 weeks?
Austynsmommy, I had a 32-weeker in my first pregnancy due to a placental abruption, so just as a precaution, my OB put me on weekly progesterone injections from about 16 to 35 weeks into my second pregnancy (I can't remember the exact weeks). I don't know if the prog. made the difference or not, but I didn't deliver until 37 weeks with my daugher. I didn't have to be induced, I went into labor naturally at that time. I had BH contractions from about 12 weeks on, and several trips to L & D with preterm labor scares (red spotting & too many BH's), so maybe the shots did help "hold everything in there". If nothing else, at least I felt like I was doing something proactive to help the situation.
Purecha - I think that's pretty normal to want to take it easy right now.
Good luck to you both!