Okay.... I think I may be going into labor.... haha
Tuesday night around 9:00 I started having low back pain and period like cramping, but I wasn't having any real contractions. SO, I tossed and turned all night and then Wednesday morning I called the dr who then sent me to the hospital to get checked out. When I first got to the hospital they took a urine sample, hooked me up to all these monitors and did an internal. They said I had protein in my urine, but my bp was ok. And they said that I was at least 4 cm dilated. That was around noon. They said they would be back in to check me at three. So, I laid there... still crampy but still NO CONTRACTIONS. Baby's heartbeat sounded good and my bp stayed good too. At three they came in and did another urine and another internal. This time, the internal showed I was 4+ cm, 90% effaced, -2 station and they said my "bag was bulging". The dr brought in another dr to make sure she was right and the second dr confirmed it. The 2nd dr also said that if it were up to her, she would either just break it for me to get it started or at least keep me there until it broke on its on but she had to clear it with my actual dr. Well, my actual dr said for me to go home and to take tylenol for the pain. sigh
Today I feel even more crampy and miserable.... but still NO CONTRACTIONS. Is it normal to feel this way??? It sucks so bad. I cant find relief no matter what position I get in. Advice please.... and sorry for the long story!!
Stephiealisa, I think you are having that babe today or tomorrow!!! I wish I could say it is normal but really I think anything GOES when it comes to labor!! GOOD LUCK! Oh what an exciting time! I can't wait to hear about the rest of your birth story!
Oh thank you so much! I hope you are right and that I have him very soon! I will def keep you updated
Thanks again!
Oooh I am so excited for you! I can't wait for Oct...what an exciting time!!!
Some women don't really feel their contractions until they get really close to birth. Go to the mall or somewhere with a/c and walk! Good luck and I hope the rest of labor goes as smoothly as it has so far.
Wow! I really hope I'm one of those women who don't feel their contractions! You're so lucky. You're so close. I bet your labor will go quickly. You've probably already had the baby. Update us!
How are you doing?? It sounds very close...I know with my first, when I got to the hospital, they broke my water there and I had the baby 3 hours later. I'm surprised they sent you home like that...It's great you're not feeling contactions though, if it stays that way, you'll be one of the very rare women that don't really feel them. My baby came very, very quickly but my contractions started at 5 minutes apart and felt nothing like period cramps!