Signs Of Labor -pg120346102552
11 Replies
For all you mamas that have had a baby recently or in the past... Did anything happen before you went into labor that isnt mentioned much. I dont mean like "bloody show" or the water breaking. I mean like things that you dont read about? maybe horrible indigestion or cramps? I am just wondering what clued you into the fact you were in labor..... (if you cant tell, im desperate.)
Hi Jennifer! A couple of my friends started labour with just cramps like period pain, or else lower back show or waters breaking! Of course, those symptoms can also be prelabour pains as well but its a good sign your close! My SIL had period pain cramping for 3 days and then her waters broke. My first cramping for a few hours was yesterday, so im hoping i get lucky in next few days!! hehe Good luck to you too!
Hey Chris! I have been having cramping on and off. Just nothing consistent. Sometimes I get BH that start in my back but they are never regular nor do they last long. My EDD is this Friday and I am at wits end. haha Well that will be something I watch for though. Consistant c___ping and backaches. Thanks and GL girl!
HAHAHA craMping!! Not c___ping.
Cramping, yes, but ironically you typed c___pping. THAT was one of my prelabor signs with DD. ABout 3 days of insane intestinal (not menstrual) carmping. Of course there were the textbook hints also: lost mucos plug 2 days before, and had bad back pains that radiated to my belly the day before and of labor starting.
Jennifer I have heard of lots of people thinking they had indigestion and it was really labor. Also like cayingo said, you can have diarhea or bowl movements that can either be a sign or put you into labor. It's weird how the body works. Don't forget vomiting can cause labor as well. Just make sure your drinking water but not to the point your so full your feel like you can b__w cause that can cause you to feel more in pain. Call your doctor anytime you are concerned because its better to be safe than sorry, right? Good luck
my gf had the diarrhea too...really really watery diarrhea, it started about 2 days before... her sister and i told her i thought it was her body getting ready and we were right!
Thanks guys! yesterday I had bad bad indigestion all day long but I think it was just that. I am still pregnant today. I feel like a prisoner awaiting reprive from the warden who happens to be about 8 lbs right now. haha Thanks I really appriciate it. Its interesting to hear about peoples experiences and other labor signs besides the two most common ones. Thanks again!
Bad bad runs Jenn. 2 days before labor. It was awful, but that is one thing I do know.
With my first I had absolutely no noticeable symptoms before I went into labor. My water just broke. With my second I had spotting about 12 hours or so before I went into labor. So you can be encouraged knowing that even if you have nothing odd going on you can go into labor at any time! Hope it is soon for you Jen--I am 37 weeks and I am already feeling antsy!
Never before in my life have I wanted to have diarreah so bad. haha That or consistant and bad cramping. Happymommy that is good to know to seeing as I never feel different really. haha Thanks.
now that everyone mentions it i did have a little bit of diarrhea a few days before my water broke. but other then that i had nothing! i was in complete shock when it happened as i went 2 weeks early.