Hey ladies - just wondering if anyone else is experiencing feeling weak(no energy, legs feel like lead). Dizzy, so I have to sit down and just generally feel like c__p. I'm sure it is common, due to the increasing size of the baby(I'm 31 going on 32 weeks now). Just not sure if there's anything I can do about it? I'm having a hard time at work lately, the stairs KILL me and feeling c__ppy is slowing me down too. Any thoughts? Thanks :)
I dont feel week but the stairs kick my b___t! my heart rate goes up when i reach the top?
maybe your baby has dropped? that can change the way everything works and feels.
I started feeling tired dizzy at about 32 weeks and everyone thought I had preeclampsia. I ended up spending 10 hours in the hospital and spending a b___tload of money on all these test just for them to say "Um... We dunno." I had a follow up with my OB the next day and he said that she was probably just sitting on some blood vessels. I'd say just take it easy the next couple of days.