March Lucky Charms Part 5
159 Replies
You can definitely expect me to be on chatting more since I am not at work today, and have the house to myself.
Cramps are a good sign of impending labor. That's what I felt 1st w/ dd. The cramps, then they became stronger in my back radiating to my belly. Quite uncomfortable really.
yeah that is what i'm feeling.... cramps low in the front like low belly/bikini line cramps and low back aches... but i am not sure if this is common or if most get cramps that come and go where mine is more of a consistant cramping... but as of yesterday i was only 1cm dilated... so part of me is like nah- it is just nothing... I do think since you're 3cm and already dropped you're gonna be the next to have your baby!!!! =) It seems like you're not far!!!! EXCITING!!!
1cm may not sound liek much, but keep in mind some women are 0cm and spontaneously start labor. At least at 1cm you know progress has begun and is in motion. Now if I could just get my intestinal issue cleared up before going into labor.
So are you still taking the milk of magnesia? That does not sound good at all... what does it feel like??? How long has this been bugging you? is it a common pregnancy thing or just a melissa thing?? =) just kidding!
Hi guys, Melissa, so sorry to hear about your intestinal problems. I've had my share of them this pregnancy but not as bad as yours I think. Yesterday I had a wax and hair appointment, and then went to the mall searching for a nursing nightgown. By the time I got home I felt like I was going to pa__s out. It's so frustrating that I can't do more than one thing without feeling like I'm overdoing it! This weekend we are going to infant CPR and infant care cla__ses and then I'm done with cla__sess. I can't believe I am 36.5 weeks already and almost there! I have occasional cramps that bend me over and I just ignore them. My friend who was with me was quite concerned when she saw me like that. I just said as long as they are not consistent I can't worry about them. Today we have snow over here which annoyes me because I had plans to visit a friend who is 40 mntues out of town. With the snow I'm hesitant to go...hope you are all having a good day.
I took my 2nd dose of milk of mag last night at about 8pm. I spent the night getting out of bed to use the restroom, but ended up only pa__sing gas (sorry about the details-it's sooo very gross). Then finally this a.m. around 6:30 I had a productive BM. Total diahrea - again beyond gross. I've gone probably half a dozen times like that, but I still have the abdominal pain down low. My OB says it's common. She told me to do an enema if I didn't get relief from the laxative. I'm just hesitant to use one b/c I have been goign to the bathroom, I just don't feel a lot better from it. I don't know if any of you have ever used an enema, but I had to with both the egg retirevals for our IVF cycles and they are nasty. And that was when I wasn't feeling any of this extra discomfort. I just want it to go away. It hurts most when I am up walking around, which is exactly what I will be doing for the early part of labor. I cannot imagine dealing with both kinds of pain and needing to be up moving, butunable to b/c my bowel issues. I pray for relief.
| BAF - February 22 |
Well I'm back from my appt. 38 weeks, almost 100% effaced & about 2 cm dialated. We are still shooting for the induction on the 4th if the lo doesn't come earlier. I am now spotting a little after the exam and am feeling some mild cramps but nothing signifcant. Melissa, so sorry you've had such a time w/all your digestive issues. Hopefully you're on the way to getting back to normal. I am sooo tired today & just want to sleep! I am going to eat a bite of lunch get a little work done then take a nap!!! We're getting closer!! Yeah!!!
| ACG - February 22 |
Melissa, I am so sorry about all your bowel trouble. I've had enemas before, and they are no fun. They make you cramp like mad. I hope you get all cleared up soon. As for when to call/go to l&d, according to our cb cla__s, you should go when contractions are 5 or less minutes apart for at least an hour, your water breaks or you have bleeding heavier than a period. I probably won't need any of this info, b/c we've got an appt to induce next Wed. at 7AM! We decided the possible complications of leaving him in there if he's not getting enough nourishment are greater than any that might arise from getting him out a little early, and 39 weeks really isn't that early. Dh and I are so excited and nervous! Dh said now that we've got it all decided and planned, I'll probably go into labor on Sat. or something. I doubt it; I'm having some of that mild cramping y'all have talked about but nothing that even comes close to real or even "practice" contractions. - April
APRIL- You'llbe our #3 mommy!!! Your dh might be right. So many women I know od that exact thing; my OB even told me the same when she scheduled our induction for the 4th. 39 weeks is totally not too early. Oh how exciting. Doesn't it feel good to have an end in sight? That's only 5 days away!!!
Congrats April on the induction date!!! I will be shocked if you don't go into labor on your own now that you know when you're gonna have him- you'll do it by yourself!!! LOL but that is a great decision i think you made and as we all know 39 weeks is not early at all!!!! Congratulations!!!! We can't wait to hear your birth story and see pics!!!! so was it better or more nerve wrecking to know the date verses the wondering if he'll come early??? Like you know now his birthday will be February 27!!!! LOL Is that cool to know? or does it make it worse to know!?!? Good luck to you and hubby though!!! And Brandy i don't think you're far behind at all!!!! I think you're going to be one of the next as well!!!
| ACG - February 22 |
At first on Tues, when the dr first mentioned inducing next week, I felt really freaked out. Now I'm excited and thinking about the perks of knowing the date - my sister in NY will have plenty of time to get here, Dh will be at home and have everything taken care of at his work, etc. I'm just really excited! I can't wait to meet my lil Jack I've been imagining all this time! - April
| ACG - February 22 |
Hey, I have a question for y'all. My goal is to go through labor without an epidural or other pain meds. I know this may be more difficult with being induced, since they have to monitor the baby constantly, and I won't be able to get up and walk around. Plus, I've heard contractions can be more intense. Have any of y'all ever been induced with pitocin and gone without drugs or do you know anyone who has? I'm curious as to what my chances are of enduring it. - April
| BAF - February 22 |
April, congrats, how exciting! I know you can't wait to hold little Jack. I will pray that you have a smooth delivery! I sure hope I'm one of the next few to deliver. I keep hoping for at least a contraction or two but so far nothing. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!
| BAF - February 22 |
April, by the way, my sister was induced at 38 weeks and did the entire 13hr process w/o an epidural. I think they gave her 2 half shots of demerol but they didn't do much to ease the pain. She said it just made her sleepy. You are a brave girl as I am counting on being able to have an epidural! I admire your courage!!!
April- I'm so excited for you! You may change your mind on the epidural though. I tried to tough it out til 8cm and I had to get it! Baby Jack will be fine at 39 weeks! 5 more days girl! Wishing you a smooth and speedy delivery. Good Luck! I'm still 3cm and it looks like nothing is going to happen anytime soon. My ob suggested in having s_x, and laying down with sperm to dilate more. Has anyone heard of this? I'm cool with it but I want to wait til after this weekend. Yet I''m only 38 weeks and still want to cherish this a while longer. Good Luck to Everyone for this weekend, it seems we are all reaching the end of the pregnancy road. Hope we can all KIT afterwards on the newborn threads! Erica
April- With my first daughter, my water broke at 38 weeks. I went to L&D however was dilated at zero. They did give me the pitocin in order to dilate me. I had no drugs!! My labor was a total of 13 hours from entering the hospital until delivery of her. So, a delivery with no drugs and being induced can be done. This round, I most definately used the epidoral. I was scared about something going into my back, but my doc suggested this due to the whole "twin" factor. GOOD LUCK on your decision sweetie.