August Mom S The Final Frontier
38 Replies
Ana - I hope there is some progress when you go today!! I would imagine the pains are a bit of both! I finally had my baby shower on tues night!! It was fun and she got a lot of really cute stuff!! I will post some pics on myspace when I get them from my sil! How are everyones little ones at home doing?? Everyone recovering well?
Hello ladies...I went tot the dr today. I ams till 50% efaced and dialated still at 3. I am relieved since dr is out of town. But she did say I am really really soft, and the cervix is opened up !!! could be soon !! SOft...glad to hear things are getting better. ANA....I can not believe you dr is gone for two weeks...and AFTER you edd. I can not elieve they wont induce you before then. !!! I am sorry you have to wait...but it isnt long. Thank goodness. My dr's NP told me today that I have become hypoglycemic and my blood sugars are getting really low...causing me to have the shakes really bad. SO she said to eat every couple of hours. I seriously can not eat every two hours...I am so full. I am forcing myself to drink water. Yuck. I guess I dont have very long left.
Softbreeze, how come the baby shower came so late? Did you have any energy to put all your stuff away? How are those hormones doing? I'm sure I'll miss her moving around inside me too and the attention my dh now gives my belly. Then it will just be a pile of mush until the next one. SM, still the same, huh? I have an appt today and if she tells me I'm still the same I'm going to be disappointed cause I've been going through lots of pain lately and it better be for something! It's funny, even if I go into labor today while she's still in town she wouldn't deliver my baby cause it's not her "day"...I guess I should have looked into all of that before I picked her as an ob. But who would have thought an ob would let most of her patients be delivered by another doctor! She only delivers one day a week and one weekend out of 5! Grrr.
I'm back from my appointment. I'm 3 cm! Yay. Still 50% effaced, but the baby has dropped from floating to -2! No wonder I've been having all that lower back/hip pain. At least it's for a good reason. And those shooting pains down the cervix, at least they're doing something. SM, do you feel those too? Well, I see my ob again in 2 days, yup on Monday cause then she's out of town. I don't know that much will happen in 2 days but I guess it's possible. I'm due Sunday but we all know that doesn't mean anything. Ok, someone chat with me, I'm excited that I won't have to go into labor closed up tight. Does this mean it will be faster being that I'm already somewhat dilated? I just figure that someone who goes in 5 cm dilate will deliver sooner than someone who goes in 1. What's your experience?
Hello.....ANA....I am glad you have some action going on with your cervix !!! it is exciting that you are dialating...but unfortunately it doesnt mean much more then things are starting. You can walk around dialated at 3 for a couple weeks. With my 2nd dd...I was dialated at 3-4 for 3 weeks. But you could also deliver never fully knows !!! That is funny that you and I are the same though...I am still at 50% and 3cm. He is engaged but didnt tell me what station. She did say i am completely open ( which I know cause I lost my plug). So I am routing for you...maybe it will be this weekend. Have lots of s_x...seriously the males sperm is supposed to help soften the cervix. ANd try walking Hills. I hope you have your babyt his weekend....if not...see if your dr will do something to stir things up at your appt. And that really sucks that she only delivers one day a week and every 5th weekend. My dr. delivers all her babies, unless she cannt make it to the hosp bt the time you deliver, or if she is out of town. I am sorry for you.
Ahhh! Where is everyone? I'm so lonely. This post just keeps falling lower and lower on the list! Well tomorrow is my due date and it's a full moon. I guess I can go at any time, or I can be like this for another two weeks. I need someone to chat with!
Hello fellow August mommies! Gosh, this board really HAS slowed down! I guess most of the moms were due in early august?? Anyway, all I've got to say for those moms still left...enjoy your sleep while you can!! Ana- when is your due date?? I know those last few weeks can draaag on...your almost done though, and then trust me, no matter how hard your pregnancy was, you'll miss being preggo! I'll see everyone on the infant care forum!!!
Hang in there Ana!! Sounds like things are going good - and soon enough you will have that angel in your arms! I amdoing better with the whole emotions thing these days,but I still find that the tiniest things will set me off and once I get in that mood it is really hard to stop the tears! But I am feeling better about not being pregnant anymore an djust love holding Jess and watching her. But they grow sooo fast! She will be a month next Wed and I can't believe she has been here this long already! Hope you guys had a good weekend and maybe some more babies!!
Hey everyone. I finally had Brynley on Aug 11th. After being in hard labor all day, I was unable to dilate past 7cm. They couldn't turn up the pitocin anymore b/c the contractions were a min and a half apart for more than 10 hours and Brynley was ready to come out to the point that the contractions were making her heart rate sky rocket. The doc said that it would be better to go ahead with a c-section than to risk the labor putting her in distress. I was in labor for 14 hours before they did the c-section. She came out weighing 8 lbs 5oz and was 22in long. She is an amaazing baby. She hardly cries at all and is truly a blessing that was worth every minute of the wait. We had a few problems in the beginning with learning how to latch and nurse, but we are doing better now. We haven't had to supplement since Friday night. We go tomorrow for her 1st doc appointment. We did have to stay an extra day in the hospital b/c she was spitting up and vomiting almost every time she ate. I called the nurses one night to tell them and they told me that I was paranoid as a new mother and it was perfectly normal. The pedi came in the next morning and she was still doing it. He had a feeding tube inserted and xrays taken to amke sure that it wasn't something serious. Thankfully they came back normal, and it was found that she was just sensitive to the formula that they had me supplementing with. So, by changing her formula, her problem was cured. I'll try to keep checking back in as I can, but I never realized how busy I would be after she got here. My parents have been coming every day to make sure that I have help and that I don;t over do myself. They are great!!
Thanks ladies for coming on to say hello. I can't believe some of you have had your babies for a MONTH already! I feel so lonely over here. I think I am the only August mom left and it's only half way through the month! I'm glad I have sm, a September mom at least. I was due yesterday. I have an appointment today to check on my progress and a non-stress test set for next Monday if I don't have the baby before than. And an induction date of the 29th if nothing happens. How is everyone recovering from labor?
Hi anamariaflorencia, I am still here with you :) I will prob be here after you lol. edd is 8/31 so I am hanging in there. Not dialated, effaced or anything I am soo tired I am just ready to meet my little one.
Mommy of 1...Yay, another friend to wait with! Is this your first? I might not be doing much more waiting, I think I'm having contractions as we speak. But if they're not the start of real labor pains then I might end up waiting with you as my induction date is not until the 29th.
Ana this is my second I have a 2 1/2 yr old. Do you have any other children? Yayy for you if you are having real contractions!!!! Are you feeling them in your lower back area as well? If so they may be the real thing. I hope you go in soon :)
Hey ladies. Just checking in with you all! Havent had much spare time since Kira came on the scene but all worth it! We are doing great and slowly but surely learning as we go haha. Having a bit of trouble b___st feeding but we are getting there - just taking it day by day. Hope you are all enjoying being mums - and to the mums still waiting - it will be your turn soon!!!! Will write more later! Once all August Mums have their bubs we will have to set up a thread somewhere so we dont lose touch!! :)
hey ladies!! missed me? I'm too smitten with my casey to come on the comp much. it doesn't look like the old crew does much either! well, good luck to all the ladies still preggo! and congrats to everyone who had their babes. I'm finally gonna get around to posting my birth story for those of you who are interested! thanks for being there for me everyone, I dont' know what I would have done all pregnancy without this board and you guys!
I'm going to post a few pics on our photobucket account too for those of you not my myspace friend! username is augustmoms and pa__sword is moms2be