That sounds liek a pain to have to check so often, does it hurt?? I guess it is irrelevant if it means all is ok with little Mason. These little stinkers sure seem to likE to keep us guessing as to their movements and such heY! Does anyone else have any small cramps lately?? I ahve been feeling some the last few days.They are really really mild, but there. I am going to ask my dr on wed, but just curious if any of you have any as well.
hey ladies! danielle, hope you're ok. so patti, that is sooooo funny that you were looking for me, b/c I was doing the same. I knew there was a chance in hell, but I kept my eyes peeled for a blonde pregnant canadian! It sucks that we didn't get the chance to meet! so you had fun huh?? I'm just used to the city but I can totally see how someone can be overwhelmed by it.
so erin, glad you had a great weekend with hubby. and alicia, glad to hear you had a great shower!! I had mine too on Sunday, it went famously. we literally got everything we need, plus made like $800 and got many giftcards. we got so lucky. I think the only thing we didn't get off our registry that we need is bottles. alicia, so glad to hear you got great stuff too! erin, I literally may be able to send you some stuff - once I go through it all I will let you know :)
oh and patti, that sucks about your swelling - I'm so glad you're feeling better. mine is bad too, but it goes down while I sleep. but my whole legs get swollen by the end of the day. I do A LOT of walking and now that it's getting so hot I'm sure it's going to be so much worse. patti, good thing you left when you did. on saturday it hit like 97 and it's been like that ever since - we're having a mini heat wave!! I'm totally mizzzzzzzzzz
so here is some info I found on the blood test thing-. A woman with a blood sugar level of less than 140 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) at l?hour is presumed not to have gestational diabetes and requires no further testing. If the blood sugar level is greater than 140 mg/dl the test is considered abnormal or ?positive:? Not all women with a positive screening test have diabetes. Consequently, a 3?hour glucose tolerance test must be performed to establish the diagnosis of gestational diabetes.
Lol Erin! I too feel paranoid at times! Sometimes she moves and I can feel her all over my stomach and then the next minute it is like she sucks herself back into the unknown depths of my pelvis and dissapears completely. So weird. Most times it feels like she is lying sideways and then other times I think maybe she is up and down. Thanks for the B-day wishes! I am trying to convince my boss to get an icecream cake in on friday for my past birthday - but he doesn't seem to be biting! :( My heartburn is in full force today - ugh.. gross!
I posted a question ont he main board about nipple discharge. Erin did you get that in your past pregnancies?? I have just noticed a tiny bit if I squeeze them the last week or so and it is usually just a drop or so and usually clearish. But once in a while it has a bit of whitish in it. What is this??
Hey hey August Mums! How exciting is it - its getting closer, closer!!! :) I can totally relate to the last couple of posts about feeling like the baby is sideways and flipping around in there - like my whole stomach moves and it is wierd! haha. Also with the hiccups! Just the last week or so bub has been having them heaps - especially when I lay on the side! :)
Another thing. My shower is this saturday. If you could choose between a swing or a bouncy chair, which one would you choose and why? THanks for your advice!
Morning peaches. I have to be quick because I have to go measure a house, but 1) Patti that is colustrum, the pre-milk if you will. I have it too, but mine is yellowish and it is very good for the baby. That's what they eat the first day or so before Niagra Falls comes in! 2) Anamaria, I would say the swing because it is a life saver and buts babe right to sleep, if for instance, you need to hop in the shower. Bouncy chairs do come in handy though, but if I had to choose, I would say swing. Just don't get baby TOO used to falling asleep in it, because that can be a hard habit to break. Hello bellybubble! My baby gets lots of hiccups too! How is everything else going? okay, I have to scoot. But I will return :-)
Erin have i told you that you and my hubby where born on the same day same yr.... random but i just figured that out....lol
hiee guys. erin, I defanitely have a surplus of bibs and some clothes - I will send them to you if you want, email me your address at gabbi324 at hotmail. I'll be back later to catch up :) busy busy HOT HOT day in NY
Hey loveys. I went to measure this house for a family who's mother just pa__sed away and they want to sell it and needed an opinion of value. I always hate those kinds of appraisals. But anyways, I was talking to the realtor who was a really sweet lady and I'm standing there and she keeps talking and talking and talking. I felt horrible because I lied and said I had another appt to go to because I really had to pee and I was about to pa__s out because it was so hot in that house. Ah well, Patti, I like Shaeyna Lee, personally, but I know you wanted Anne in there somewhere. Hhhhmmmm, actually Shaeyna Anne sounds pretty cute too. Yeah, I like it! Gabbi, dear, I am totally feeling your pain dear. It is in the upper 90's here, hot, humid and...how do you say.....totally mizzzzzzz!!! Oh yeah, Patti, some women start producing milk before baby comes, but normally a horomone a__sociated with delivery brings the milk down (at least that's what I've heard). You poor thing.....you won't be able to sit up straight after your milk comes in!
LOL LOL Erin!! That is my thoughts exactly!! I am in big troubles when that milk starts a flowing!! I am going to need the anvil tied to my a__s to keep me center-weighted!! Yikes! just when I think they can't get any bigger... oh they do!! No harm in telling a little white lie to get out of such an uncomfortable situation at all! I do it at work here all the time. If one of the staff I don;t prefere are yapping at me, I always pull the "oh excuse me, I have to runt o the washroom. They all thought it was pretty funny and had a sign made up and put on the bathroom door awhile back that reads Patti's office. Very funny.... I too really like Shaeyna Lee better as well, so maybe the Ann will just have to go without. You guys can all send some of your warm weather up my way up here, it is cold and rainy the last few days and supposed to be all week. It is really good, we really badly need the rain, but does it have to be so bloody cold with it and windy??Yuck.
I don't wanna work today! :-( I just want to go home, eat and watch P.S. I Love You. I feel guilty when I sit at my mom's house. I feel like I should be up and doing something constantly. Patti, summer here is going to be record breaking. We are already 5 degrees above normal, which might not seem like much, but believe me there is a huge difference between 90 and 95 in Texas.
I second that notion Erin! I keep reminding myself, only three more weeks .... only three more weeks..... but it doesn't really help all that much. I watched that movie on the plane - Loved it!! I think today monkeyb___t in there must have about six arms and legs, seems like she is kicking and punching in every direction! All at the same time! You poor gals down there with that heat. You are gonna melt. You said your parents have a pool though right? That just may be your lifesaver! You can send me up a couple of degrees if you like. It is only ahigh of 15C which would be about 58 there?? And that is our high for the week!! Gross. Any big plans for the b-day on Friday??