Need Help About My Man

5 Replies
Kimi - August 26

i am 31 weeks and i have been doing less and less around the house not to mention that we are moving this week but he makes me feel bad about not doing what i did pre preg. he works very hard and his job is manual labor so i understand that he is sore and tired after work but SO AM I!! i work 8-10 hors a day watching a little girl with down syndrome and picking her up all day wears me out along with everything else i do i just dont know what to do when he gets frustrated and says "well you dont do shit around here" i usually just get p___sed and then we argue. anyone have any advise on some other ways to handle the situation, oh and by the way saing im pregnant and tired does nothing cuz he says "well your sore from carring some extra weight, ive carried thousands of pounds of materials today" HELP!!


ejmeskan - August 26

Can you write him a letter or email letting him know how you feel? I find that writing my feelings out to my husband are much easier because I am very emotional and just explode at him and get no where. Maybe you can ask him to just understand being pg is FAR more than just carrying extra weight around...but empathyze with him that you know he works hard and you really appreciate that he is working so hard for your family, ect...I dont' know?!?! Good luck!


Teddyfinch - August 28

the letter sounds good, but one thing i said to my husband that worked was "if you can't do your job alone (meaning making money for the family) then i shouldn't have to do mine alone (meaning taking care of the house)". he might have carried a bunch of c___p, but he hasn't burned the calories all day that you did in half a day.


ejmeskan - August 28

Oooh Teddy- that is a really good one!! Never thought of that!


apple - September 4

My boyfriend also works long hours doing manual Labor, I work part time but I also take care of our one and a half year old son 24/7, who by the way, still does not sleep through the night. I kind of get how you feel because some days he just doesnt understand why I am so tired, although he doesnt say anythign about housework, it's more he just wants to relax when he gets home and I want him to take Emery (our son) so that I can have a small break! Some days he doesn't mind but then other days you can tell he's angry, and then he gets frustrated because emery doesnt want to sit on his lap happily while he watches tv or something. One year olds get bored easily!! I think the letter idea is good, if that doesnt work then maybe you need to go out for lunchor soemthing and calmly tell him that he is being unfair, that extra weight is not the only factor. It's everythign else that comes with pregnancy, ask him how he's going to deal once the baby comes and is stopping both of you from getting your work done because it needs all of your attention. I'm sorry if i'm not much help, i'm getting angry just thinking about it! lol


FlyBear - September 10

Kick his arse! OMG... I'm so mean, I literally don't know what I would do. My mom always said she was scared for my future husband because I grew up with all brothers and you better believe they didn't mess with me. lol Thankfully I have a very wonderful man who loves me and does everything he can to show me, including helping me with the cleaning and NEVER EVER griping about what I make for dinner. To be honest, I think he's just so happy I haven't ignored him in bed that he'll do anything! lol Anyways, good luck and maybe you could let some close friends know what a big stress this has been and maybe ask them if they minded helping you out a little. I know notbody wants to do that, but you're pregnant, you're tired, and that's what friends are for right?



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