so i had my midwife's appt today, and what I thought were painful braxton hicks contractions, are actually preterm contractions...so tomorrow I have to go to an OB for a growth scan, and to see if my contractions are causing me to dilate etc...apparantly the baby has also turned head down...probably explains the pressure I'm having "down there"...I didn't think I had anything to be concened about, but I guess I didn't really think logistics, b/c we are out in the middle of no where, if anything happens now I would be rushed 2 1/2 hours away to the big "city"...i'm hoping its nothing...i'll update tomorrow...hope the rest of you are doing well :-)
Wow Cookie, I hope all goes well, and they stop the contractions! I found out after my GD test that Im Anemic, normal levels are around 12, I tested at 4, no wonder I was so tired, I thought because I have a 2 year old and pregnant this was normal! So now Im on iron pills and hopefully that will boost my energy for the last 10 weeks!
Hi girls! Cookie I will be thinking about you tomorrow and hope that everything goes well. I am positive it will! I have been going through a similar thing.. baby turned and his head is pressing down, also have been having some very light contactions, but I am not dialated, they had me come in today to be sure. And Tasha, how funny I just had my GD test too pa__sed it but my levels also came back as 4 so I am Anemic, I start on Iron suppliments tomorrow. Doc told me today that I got 6 weeks at the most... so it looks like I will have a August baby maybe... but we will see. Hope everyone is doing well. Talk to you soon!
hi girls, all's good, we got to see the baby again, and are pretty positive its a girl (saw what we think are girly parts)...she is head down, but my cervix is still long, so no worries, and she is over 4 pounds already...amazing to hear about the anemia...hope the iron tablets work...are you also taking prenatal vitamins too?
I finally feel like I have energy today!! It only took 4 days of iron pills! Its wonderful! Caseyann, why might you go early? Will they induce or they think you'll just go into labor early? What is your actual due date? Glad to hear everything is on track Cookie! Since you are so far away from a hospital, what is going to happen when you actually go into labor, you wont stay at home for long to progress I guess eh? oh and yes I have been taking prenatal vitimans, it only gives you 27mg of iron though and the suppliments give you 300!! So way more! I go for my last 4 week dr check up MOnday, then Im down to every 2 weeks...wow its gone sooooo fast!!
Hi girls! Cookie so glad to hear things are wonderful!! Yes I am taking prenatals, along with additional suppliments. I am very high risk because of 4 miscarriages previous to this pregnancy. I take a extra suppliment that has folic acid/b6/b12 and a few other additional suppliments. i also take a baby asprin a day and a blood thinner shot every day. I have issues with my blood clotting properly and it ends up cutting off the oxygen/blood supply to the baby, this is why I have had the previous losses. I'm starting my iron pills tonight, I hear they are easier to take at night..so we will see! Tasha my original due date was September 24, then it was moved to September 14th, now it is September 4th. The baby is very large already, big babies are common in my family. But because I am on the blood thinners, the doc cant let me go into labor because I will bleed to death and the baby has tried to come once already so he has to induce me before hand so he can take me off the blood thinners for a few days ahead of time. I"m excited to get everything done. Its so so hot here and I am huge.... but I want the baby to stay in as long as he needs too!! Talk to you ladies soon!!
tasha, so glad to hear the pills are working...what a diffierence in the dosages...Caseyann, sounds like you are having a miracle baby, fantastic that you have made it this far :-)) we are certainly on the home stretch...i'm feeling so winded these days...it's pretty funny actually, I am out of breath just going up and down the stairs...i'm still working in the restaurant, but not nearly as much as I was...i'm trying to keep myself in our head office..not too convenient to be in my third trimester during the busiest time of the year...Caseyann do you know how big your baby is?
| dy - July 18 |
hi! i'm due with baby girl #2 on 9/18. I've been so busy chasing her around I don't think I've posted at all in the first or second trimester boards
Hey girls! Cookie I so understand the getting winded thing! I walk to work every day and its getting exhausting! I had a ultrasound almost a month ago and the baby was about 3 1/2 pounds. He is a big boy! Doc said he's definenty well over 4 now. Hopefully I will get another ultrasound soon! Talk to you girls soon!
Hi Dy, welcome, Cseyann, how far do you live from work? are you working until you have the baby?
Hi girls! Cookie, I live within a few minutes walking distance from my work. Its a pretty short walk but it has been so hot lately it has made it tough!! I was having some problems and hurting pretty bad so I went to the ER and they checked me at the labor and delivery unit. The baby is head down and his head is right is pretty low already so its putting alot of pressure. I am dialated to a 1 now. The baby also ways 4 pounds 7 oz now. They said that it may not be too long now. But you never know alot of women stay dialated at 1 for forever! And yes Cooke I do plan on working right up to my delivery if I can. Talk to you all soon!!
So Im now going every 2 weeks to the dr's, kinda cool, I can hear the heartbeat more! Its weird though, baby's heartbeat has always been around 160, now its 140...maybe cause its bigger?? Also Im a little disappointed about my weight gain. Im up 20 pounds..kinda, the first time they took my weight it said 140, around 10 pounds more than Im use to...that was at 31/2 months, Im now 160...eekkk, with my first I only gained 22 pounds, so technicallly Im up 30 pounds!!! Im not happy, plus I have at least 9 weeks left!!! I know with my first I did lose 3 pounds the last month..not on purpose, just happened. I dont know, Im sure it will all go away after a couple months, but Its depressing none the less.
hiya, tasha, I hear you, but your still well within the norm for the growth...how tall are you? I started out at 137 and I'm now 160 as well, with my first I gained 40 pounds...i'm 5'10 and was told to gain about 34 pounds...after my first I lost all my weight in about 6 months...so hopefully this time it may be a little quicker..(keeping fingers crossed)..so i'm sure you and the baby are the perfect size...Caseymom, that is amazing that you are dilated...I was dilated 1 cm from 36 weeks until I went into labor...it was so frustrating, the first visit, I was 1cm, the 2nd visit I was a good 1cm, the 3rd week i'm was a very loose 1cm...I was suprised my doctor could find so many different ways of saying the same thing...btw what is your "due date"?
Wow, your 5'10 you must look really cute. Im only 5'4 so 160 lbs to me looks big! Most people do comment that I look really small for how far along I am, and Im not uncomfortable at all...I just feel that I look huge, it went away really fast with my first, like the first 2 months. But right now it seems like it will be here forever!! Anyway in the end all that matters is my healthy little baby!!
tasha, i'm sure you look great...I keep my measurements, I did it with my first as well, and I started this pregnancy with a 28 inch waist and i'm now at 39 inches...freaks me out to think that I have gone up over 10 inches already...with my last pregnancy I was about the same size (40 inches this week) and ended up at 44 by the time I gave birth...but at least we are on the home stretch, and yep totally true it's all for the baby at the end...
hi girls, been quiet here...how's everyone feeling? I've been sitting on my bouncy ball at night..not sure if its really working, i feel more like i'm getting an ab workout...it's been about 80 degrees here the last two days (super hot for us)...and we have no ac...so i've been dying in my black uniform...i'm 33 weeks tomorrow...getting more and more nervous about life with 2 kids....eek