When Do You Plan On Going Off Work
6 Replies
i was just curious when everyone plans on taking time off work for the arrival of your lil one/ones? i am due next friday and plan on working till saturday next week..
Well, Im due 12/5-which is a Friday and right now they have my last day at work scheduled for 12/1, which is the Monday of that week. I am really hoping to have the baby by 12/1 or have a c-section date by 12/1.
I am due today and sitting at my desk...I will probably keep working until he decides to get out...I figure my chances of him showing up away from home are better then me sitting around waiting...plus my mind is staying occupied...at home I just keep checking myself every 20 minutes...
I'm taking off when I'm 34 weeks. I waitress 10 hour shifts, so I'm already suffering alot (I'm 31 weeks now)
I work full time as a nurse, im on my feet 8 hours a day, so iplan on working until my body cant handle it anymore! It sucks because im 30 weeks and starting to get really uncomfortable, and i want to stop now, but i also really need the money! I hope i can make it to 36/37 weeks!
I am due November 15th and my last day is november 14th. feeling pretty miserable, but would rather have the time off after the baby is born. also, i work in the hospital at which I am going to deliver, so it is pretty conveinant...
Since I am a scheduled c-section deliverving on Nov. 18th, I will be working until noon on the 17th.