2 1 2 Year Old Soaking Nappies Of A Night I Need Some Input

6 Replies
kristie h - June 12

Hi Ladies, For the past 3 nights in a row blair 2 1/2 has woken me up at 5.30 in the morning with soaking wet nappies that has gone through to his cloths and into his bed. I was going to start toilet training him and i am just wondering if this is a indication that he is not ready? It is winter here in Australia, can the colder weather contribute to a weaker bladder? A few weeks ago he was waking up with hardly any wet nappies and all of a sudden this happens, i am going to change nappies for night times but i have no idea why he is going from one extreme to the other? We moved houses a month ago and we put him straight from a cot into a single bed, i have herd that change can cause it to be more difficult to toilet train causing problems like this, has anyone else herd this? Any advise/input would be great.


CyndiG - June 12

I remember when Morgan, (my almost 9 year old :O{) was little. She pottytrained at 20 months, was staying dry at night, and then all of a sudden she started wetting the bed. I'm not sure the exact time, but it was around that age. Her ped told me it was a growth spurt, to give it a little time and it would stop. And sure enough it did. Good luck!! :O}


rl- - June 12

maybe cut back on drinks before bedtime?


hello - June 13

i remember you are in aus so i am gonna ask u what nappies do u use? I was using huggies for night time and paying a fortune... and they just werent doing it.... then i got told aldi nappies are just as good which they are, 95 percent it doesn't go thru to her clothes, (at night) of course every now and then it does ..... i have been making sure to use a bigger size for sleep, Just the next size up as she is due to go in them anyway and i know she is fully covered, my mum even suggested plastic pants, they have to do some sorta job over the cloth nappies so why not disposables too so sometimes i throw one of those on also........it is hard as i do go thru what u go thru occasionally, (not soaked though) but i must admit it happened every night at one stage with the huggies and when i switched it was the best thing i did, all the best


MJM - June 17

I would say maybe he is ready to start potty training. If he is disliking the feeling I would give it a shot. My daughter was trained by 24 months. My son just turned 17 months old and I am going to start the process.


Laceyandsamsmamma - July 2

my son soaks his clothes every night and has since he was 6 months old he wakes up just drenched he just turned 2 and we started to try potty training and he would sit on it for hours then stand up and pee or poop as soon as he got off. any ideas?


in the woods - July 2

My son (2 1/2) was wetting his pull-ups overnight (like diapers, but for bigger kids, he was wearing size 3-4 toddler, a big boy). So he was wetting these bigger kids' diapers to the point of liquid leaking down his legs when he'd get up. I waited for summer to start his potty training (yes, it's a problem in winter). What is strange to me and amazing with both my kids is - they STOP peeing at night the day I start potty training, that is, the day they start wearing normal underwear I do not get it - the nights before he was waking up all wet, and then suddenly nothing! I do not put diapers on him overnight, my only precaution is those blue "chux" uder sheets (they use them in hospitals, one side is blue, the other side is absorbent. They sell them for dog training, too). So you never know how he would behave at night when you start potty training. I would not potty train in cold weather though, your Australian winters may be warmer -?



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