Eating Troubles

5 Replies
momma3tobe - June 25

My son is almost 5 years old and here lately he has been extrmeley picky about his food. He will ask for something and then turn his nose up at it and then ask for something else an hour later. So I put my foot down, I made him noodles (he asked for them) for dinner last night and he complained said he didn't want them.. an hour later he came back and wanted something else. I gave him the noodles. he has been offered the noodles for breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and now dinner tonight. He still refuses to eat them. He just crosses his arms and says he isn't eating until I give him what he wants. He is acting spoiled, he pitched two tantrums.. I am good at holding firm on my word.. I am just wondering, how far should I carry this? Should I make him eat them for breakfast again (make more if they get old?) he is being stubborn and testing me.. I just don't want to make a mountain out of a molehill..what would you do? He has got to learn not be ungrateful and wasteful...


in the woods - June 25

Hi, my dd is 4 and lately behaves similarly - asks for HUGE portions of this or that (she would not accept smaller, more approprriate meal sizes), and of course she would not finish. Or, she asks for something and would not touch it. Partly, it is frustrating, and partly I have taken it as a phase. Now seeing that your son behaves the same, I feel better. It's definitely a phase.


Crystal83 - June 26

I think you should hold your gound, you're the adult and he is the child. He will eventually get hungry enough to obey. It's hard to stay firm, but in the longrun I think it's worth it. I have a 6yr old who tried that kind ofthing too and I stayed firm, now she eats what is made for her and doesn't complain at all.


momma3tobe - June 26

Well, he still refuses to eat the noodles, he asked for them and when I walked off he dumped them in the trash, swore he ate them and asked for an oatmeal cookie. I made more of the exact kind of noodles and sat them in front of him again (he can't get away with lying to get what he wants). He has refused to eat for the past two days on the grounds of "Those noodles taste bad". Good grief.


cowspotzchic - June 26

My 41/2 yo does that.....I figure if he is hungry enough he will eat. I tell him either eat it or go to bed. He hasn't starved yet :)


momtwice - June 27

Thank God yours are starting now. Mine is 3 and she will ask for something, taste and say it is disguisting, or it is nasty. Like she asked for icecream and when I gave her, she said, "ew disguisting, kaki(poop), and it was so loud that the 15 months started doing the same thing. 10 minutes later, she wanted an apple, then she wanted cheese...! At times, I force her to finish what she asked for even if she gags! At times, I let it go.



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