Grandmother Question

1 Replies
SuzieQ - July 12

Ok - sorry to vent kinda. My stepmom sometimes drives me crazy when it comes to how I care for my dd. Dd is 9 mos old and I am feeling fairly competent now. My dh and I discuss the important changes (bfing, cosleeping, what foods to eat, etc etc) and we decide on what works. My stepmom does not agree with everything we are doing, and although she doesn't mean to sound rude, sometimes I just don't even want to bother telling her certain things. Am I just being a wuss in avoiding certain issues? Sometimes I do emphasize that we have decided to do something specific and stick to my guns, but inside I am cringing b/c I know she doesn't agree. I feel like such a child in these instances, and want to know if anyone else has suggestions on how to deal with this.


sahmof3 - July 12

I don't think you're a wuss for not teling her certain things... you're just avoiding an argument and avoiding flooding your body with stress hormones lol. I do that with my own mom and my MIL on certain issues that I know they don't agree with me on... actually, my best friend and I even avoid certain issues that we disagree on...well, not avoid talking about them altogether, but we don't bother debating them anymore because it's pointless, we know we wonn't change each others' minds. The only suggestion I have (although it won't stop the criticism, but it puts a damper on it somewhat) is to come up with a "catch phrase"... something like, "Thanks for the suggestion, but we are going to ______ (fill in the blank)." Say it over and over, every time a point of criticism comes up... nauseate her with it haha! This has worked for my mom because she knows what I am going to say and doesn't want to hear it LOL. She still can't help herself sometimes, but it has made her hound me less often ;-)



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