Is This A Bad Thing Pg1244947255

3 Replies
BWIND - June 13

DS is 28 months old. He's still in a crib. He hasn't tried to climb out or anything. (I'm sure he could if he wanted to) Is he too old to stay in a crib? Or should I try to switch him to his toddler bed this summer? He sleeps so well...I hate to mess it up.


jennyr - June 13

I don't think it is a bad thing. I don't remember when I changed my dd who is now 3. I want to say it was after 2. I actually put a toddler bed in her room also and I was a nut. I would let her fall asleep in her toddler bed and put her in her crib when she fell asleep. Just worried she would fall out. Anyway we did her naps in the toddler bed and she did fine. Then one day I just let her sleep in it at night and she did great. We kept her crib in her room for about 2 weeks or so and then took it down. We had her help with it and tood pictures of the before and after with her new big girl room. She never asked for her crib again and has upgraded to a twin bed and now full bed and she loves it. Good luck!


JulieK - June 15

Our oldest, almost 4, asked to be moved to a bed like Mommy and Daddy's, so we got him one and moved the toddler bed into his little brothers room, with the intent to let him decide if he was ready for it or not. As soon as he saw it and we told him it was his new bed he refused the crib. He slept in it that first night, falling out once 'cause he had to learn not to roam, and has been in it every night since. If anything he seems to sleep better in it. He is 20 months old.


Floricica - June 16

If he is happy and comfortable in the crib then leave him to sleep in there. It doesnt matter as long as the child is happy and getting his sleep. Once he climbs out, then you switch the bed unless he grows to big for it.



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