Its Not Like Me To Boast But I Just Had To Share

5 Replies
kristie h - July 11

Hi Ladies, its not like me to boast about my son but i just had to share that i think i am going to have a like rocker on my hands. DS is 2 1/2 and for the past year he ALWAYS wants to watch DH and mine pink Floyd pulse DVD. For ages now when he is out side he has been getting the broom and will hold it like a guitar and he pretends to use it like a guitar while singing into the close line handle, he puts so much effort into singing he closes his eyes and you can see the veins straining out of his neck. Out of the blue he will be playing in his room and all you can hear is him singing. A few weeks ago he was staying at my mums and he was pretending to play the key board on the out side table while singing, he would then stop and give himself a clap then start again. He will find anything to use as drums and sing his little heart out. We took him to the markets one time and they had this one man band there, he went up next to them and started singing in front of everyone. I always wanted my kids to have a passion for an art/music but my DS has it to the extreme. Thanks for letting me share.


in the woods - July 11

That seems to me really rare, you must be so proud and smitten. My 2 1/2 year old son feels music, too, but not to such a degree. He just started holding tunes of toddler songs, and dancing to a beat... Your son sounds fantastic!


Topaz - July 12

That is so cool! You've definitely got to let him express this talent as he gets older. When I read your post I was thinking that a kids karioke machine would be fun for him to use. I bet he would like a little keyboard to play too. I also believe that people that have tremendous talents whether is is music, a sport, or other interests will show an apt_tude for it at a young age. You must be beaming with pride over your little one.


SuzieQ - July 12

That is awesome! You have a little talented guy it sounds like :)


sahmof3 - July 12

That's awesome that he has such a pa__sion for it :-) Hey, BTW... how's your pregnancy going? Are you feeling ok?


kristie h - July 12

Hi Tammy, I'm good and yourself? I am now 30 weeks with 9 weeks to go. I am having an elective c-section on either the 17th, 19th or the 21st of September. I have an appointment on the 27th of August at the hospital so ill know the defenant date and time then. How are your lo's. I am trying to toilet train Blair BUT when i sit him on the potty he screams bloody murder. The other night i put him on the potty before his shower and he was screaming like usual so i got him off, then just before he hoped in the shower he done a wee on the bathroom floor. Do you have an suggestions to help me out? I was thinking of buying a potty that sings when they go and that makes all these encouraging sounds and tunes but i don't know if ill be waisting my money. I hope to hear from you soon and all is well with your family.... take care...



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