Not So Nice

1 Replies
jennyr - July 16

I have a little girl who is 3 and the little boy next door is 4. Well she loves to play with him but most of the time he is not so nice. He will not answer her when she talks to him or he will only want to do what he wants to do and not what she wants to do. It is like he wants her to be around but doesn't really play with her when she is there. When they see each other the both get excited and want to play but then it goes as I talked about above. We want her to play but we don't want her to be rejected in a sense and to beg for him to play with her. What do I do. The parents correct him so times but it doesn't do anything.


Sprinkles - July 17

I had a similar experience with my daughter and a neighbor's child .. My daughter was a little older though I believe she was 6 at the time - I just basically limited her playing with the little girl - When we would see her I would make an excuse to the parents saying my daughter had to get ready for bed or eat or I had to do somethings etc. I took my daughter aside and explained to her that the way the little girl next door treated her was not a nice way to play with other people (cause she was really rude - she lied alot ALOT and she would not play anything my daughter suggest or share toys she just wanted my daughters toys and my daughter to do as she said) and I explained how people should treat each other and that she can find better friends to play with and that I did not want her to play with that little girl anymore. My daughter understood as she really did not like to be treated poorly either I think - But in the end I really did not want that childs ways to rub off on my daughter so I was glad I eliminated that situation. I know my daughter was older but I would think maybe just try and explain a little to her and don't let them play together. That should show the other parents that no one will want their kids to play with their son until they teach him manners. Also a good little lesson on how to treat people from an early age - Your daughter deserves a nicer playmate. Just my opinions .. good luck!!



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