Preparing Toddlers For A New Arrival

3 Replies
momma3tobe - June 29

I have two children, my daughter will be 4 in August and my son will be 5 in September and I am expecting my third on August 15th. We have talked about the baby's arrival and they both seem to understand and they even seem excited ..asking if they can hold the baby and feed him. They are less than 11 months apart so it's not like either one is the "baby" and they have always had to share time & attention so I don't know if there will be much jealousy. I still want to make the event as happy for them as possible. Anybody have any suggestions on how to involve and prepare them, especially when family will be focusing on the new baby.. I don't want them to feel left out. We bought them gifts "from the baby" to bring home from the hospital and I plan on letting them be helpers..


tryingx3 - June 29

Do you have family close by that can take your other little ones out once the baby gets home - you know "special trips" - to the park, to lunch, to a matinee?


momma3tobe - June 29

We just moved out of state so it'll probably just be me and the kids most of the time. I signed them up for preschool 3 days a week so that they will have a break to play with friends. I wish I had more help around but I don't this time around.


Topaz - July 4

I just read an article in a magazine about having a big sister or big brother party before the baby arrives. The author of the article decorated the older sibling's room and they played games and had treats.



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