Bedtime Routine

8 Replies
Topaz - July 4

I just wanted to find out what some of your bedtime routines were. Dd is 17 months now and I used to be able to get her to sleep somewhat easily. Now she wants one more book after the next. Last night when I finished her last book she started crying hysterically. I had such a bad headache last night that I gave in and kept reading to her. THis went on for 45 minutes. How long do you usually read to your lo at night for. How can I get her to bed in a reasonable amount of time?


JulieK - July 5

Our bedtime routine is to have both Mommy and Daddy put Jake to bed. He is 20 months old. I am very pregnant and need the help :) Anyway, Daddy and I take him upstairs, turn on the lamp, and take him to the window to say good night to the world, then close the blinds. We change him, put him in his sleep sack (we use this rather than a blanket), give him Bear, and then Daddy gets and gives his goodnight hug and kiss and leaves the room. I take Jake to the rocker, read him Goodnight Moon or The Foot Book, and then hug and rock him for about 5 minutes. Then its into bed, turn on his Fisher Price Aquarium, and I leave. He will either go to sleep, or watch the aquarium until he drifts off. We have done this same routine since he was 6 months old, so he is very comfortable with it. He used to cry when I left, and I would come back, rea__sure him and tell him it was time for sleep, and leave again. Eventually he caught on that the crying wasn't going to keep me there. He loves bedtime now. Don't know if it helps you out or not, but it works for us.


Erin1979 - July 5

My daughter is 22 months. She has a bath, gets her jammies on and we read 1 or 2 books. If she brings me anymore, I tell her, no it's bed time. She goes to sleep pretty easy now. Good luck!


Topaz - July 5

Thanks for the input. I think I will try letting her pick out 3 books and keep it to that. I know she'll get upset at first, but I think it will help to limit it to 3 of her choice.


cae - July 6

I usually read 2 books to Ethan. I usually also make up my own story as I go about the different characters so it probably takes about 20minutes total. After that, he just wants to chew on the books. WHen he starts doing that its bedtime.


Topaz - July 6

Last night I had her pick out her 3 books. Then after I read her the first story, she wanted to hear it again. I kept thinking oh no, she's going to want each story read to her 10 times. Luckily by the 3rd time she was falling asleep. I also waited a little past her bedtime to put her down so she would be extra tired and it wouldn't be such a battle. I think it worked.


chickiepoo9 - July 7

I personally read to my son for about 45 min at night but that is just what we have always done bath books bed.


jessb - July 9

My dd is 17 and very active she wont sit still, even for books very long. I read her a foot short books (like goo nigh moon). Then we go to the computer and go on and she watchs the noggin goodbye song. We say goodnight and wave bye then kiss daddy. She still screams some nights when we put her to bed, but only for a few minutes and then she sleeps soundly. For a while she wouldnt cry at all when i laid her down. She would just babble quielty or watch her fisher price aquarium, but she goes in spurts where for a few weeks she will scream bloody murder for a few minutes. i dont go in there, i know she fine and she eventually falls asleep.


jessb - July 9

I meant 17 months! of course :o)



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