My 3yr Old Stepdaughter Doesn T Listen

1 Replies
john22547 - August 16

Hello I have a 3yd stepdaughter that doesn't listen to a word I say unless I yell at the top of my lungs and it is just fustriating I tell her to go room and she just wants mommy. Her mother is going though some health problems and says she hurts all the time. So i have taken the role of dad her father will pick her up sometimes on the weekends but it's few and far between. I am at the point of not knowing what to do anymore I love her very much the mother and the child. but I cant be this stressed out all the time my father died at 43 from a heart attack from stress. I dont want to go down that road. Any idea's on what I should do she was also potty training so well we would give her a water ballons then after a few weeks we stopped and all was fine. she went potty. but one weekend she went to her dad's and he put her back in pull up's now she has no interest in the potty. I see other kids quiet in stores and listening why not this one she never can sit still.


kimberly - September 2

Some kids are just more hyper than others. I have 3 kids and they are all very different. At 3 years old they are learning thier independence, which means pushing to see how far they can go. Instead of yelling, start timeouts with her. She should be sat in a place where there are no toys or tv for 3 mins. 1 min. for every year old they are, then you should calmly tell her why she was in timeout and explain not to do it again. She may fight timeouts at first, but the key is to stay calm and put her right back in the chair everytime she gets out. You will find a adult can always out last a 3 year old, she will eventually give in and each timeout will get easier. She just needs some positve structure. Reward for good behavior, maybe make a reward chart, where she gets a sticker for being good or using the potty that day and if she gets a sticker all week let her pick something fun to do. Consistancy and rewarding good behavior really does work. Also don't forget you are her step dad, even at 3 there could be some resentment there.



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