Supermarket Meltdowm

8 Replies
Topaz - July 5

The last 3 times I went to the market my dd would slip out of the seatbelt and stand up on the seat to get to me because she would want to be held. The first time she did thid I let her fuss a bit, then eventlly picked her up. The second time I kept telling her to sit down and I let her fuss the whole time. Today it was so embarassing becauseI ran into a friend as dd was really starting to howl. I don't know what to do? Any advice please?


DownbutnotOUT - July 6

I used to bring a favorite book and/or toy and would always make a big deal about my lo being a big boy/girl riding in the cart and would say "its like a car we have to strap you in to be safe" sometimes though nothing you do works and they have to fuss it out I know its frustrating and somewhat embara__sing when people are shooting you dirty looks but hey your doing the best you can. Oh ya also bringing a little snack that they have to sit down and strap in to eat works wonders.. Good luck


iemc19 - July 6

We always pick up a fresh bread / baguette and let them munch on it as we shop - by the time we get to the checkout we're paying for a wrapper!! Or if they are big enough they get their own shopping list and they get to find their items - make sure you have something on it that is in each aisle you need to go down! Its a pain if you're rushing out of the house, but I find that 5 minutes later in leaving home is always better for my sanity! And we have just re-inforced the don't run away rule with our 3year old...Run away once , you have to walk holding the trolley, 2nd time you're in the seat for 5 minutes, 3rd time you're in it for the shop...Then the tantrums begin! But hey, most people have been there, I just ignore it, as hard as it is!!


cae - July 6

Same problem here. It can be HELL taking Ethan(17months) out shopping. He wont sit still for too long before he wants out. I bring snacks and try my best to entertain him, sometimes works, sometimes it doesnt. If I can help it I make sure my DH goes with. Oh, its really a pain when we are checking out.


Joanne - July 6

I am going through the same thing with my 15 month old. Last time my mom and I brought FOOD and it worked. We would give him bits of graham cracker the whole time and were able to shop/look around for about 30 minutes or advice is to bring some of his/her favorite food....make it a treat, something they don't get to eat very often!


Topaz - July 6

Thanks for all the tips. I usually bring a snack with me and that will work for 5 minutes or so. Next time I think I will try bringing a book and a special snack that she doesn't usually get. My dd is 17 months old and she is so much fun, but at the same time much more challenging. Sometimes it is hard for me to step back and think about a solution to a situation. I appreciate all the advice and I'll fill you in on our next trip.


jessb - July 7

I hear ya. My dd (17 months) is pretty good but they all have those moments. DD loves stickers so i bring some of those from home and they keep her entertained for a few minutes. Other that that you learn to shop really, really quick. :o)


chickiepoo9 - July 7

We always get crackers and he snacks on them when we shop, never hear a peep out of him!


Jamie - July 9

When I have to do my shopping, DD and I go out to lunch (even if it's just packed sandwiches from home we eat in a park) and then to the playground; I let her run around for half an hour or so, then she's more than willing to sit still in the grocery cart.



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