Hi I am 13 weeks pregnant and I am huge. I look like I'm about 6 months pregnant. Everyone at my work thinks that I am further along than I am telling. I have been wearing maternity clothes since 6 weeks my belly has grown 5 1/2 inches since I got pregnant. Could this be twins or am I just big. My doctor wan't do an u/s until 20 weeks.
You may look big but is your uterus measuring big? If your DR isn't willing to do an u/s to see if it is twins, then I am guessing that he doesn't think that is the case because at twin pregnancy is higher risk and you need more care. If you have more than one child or have them close together, you show bigger, sooner. My friend didn't show for 5 months with her first pregnancy. With her second (singleton) she was in maternity clothes after 2 months and looked 7 months at 4 months. Here she looked like she was due and she had yet to even feel the baby move. Good luck!