2 Gestational Sac S Confused HELP
3 Replies
I went for an u/s when i thought i was 8wks 2days my LMP was 100% 10 aug 09.The u/s showed i was 7wks 4days which is fine i just ovulated later i supose,but there were 2 gestational sac's one with a baby with healthy HB of 170bpm,the other was 3 quarter's behind the first and only a yolk sac could be seen,the tech didnt try looking at different angles or anything or turn on the volume to see if a second HB could be heard.i'm confused i really want both my babies to be ok! they want me in for a 2nd u/s at 12wks.I am now 10wks 5days and feeling movement already(this is my 3rd pg) and when i lay on my back you can see the hard ball where bubs is on one side and i can feel movement on the other side :/ what are the chances both my babies will be there when i go back?
Thanks ladies....Aimee
At 7 weeks you should see a fetal pole. Are these natural twins or ivf? Because if they are from Ivf then, they should probably be the same size but if not maybe one just got fertilized a little later which may explain the size descrepancy. I doubt you'd feel movement separately from each baby, it's just too early. I hope it turns out well for you. Keep us updated!
Aimee- It is really not uncommon for one baby to be behind the other so early on. A lot of factors are involved. First you could've ovulated twice maybe like 4 days apart. Second each egg takes it's own set amount of days to implant... so one could implant and the other one could take even longer to implant... i think certain developing doesn't start until implantation! Either way i'll be praying for BOTH babies!! Keep us posted about how your ultrasound goes!!
These twins are natural :) second time i have fallen pg with twins,my daughter was supposed to be a twin but unfortunately i lost baby #2 at 11wks (which is another reason they want me to wait till 12wks for 2nd u/s this time) Also my midwife said that feeling so much movement this early on is a good sign,but not to count on it as definite proof that both are still there...I have felt all my babies early i felt my daughter at 14wks and my son at 12wks. my midwife also suggested that one got fertilized later then the other too,so hoping that's the case :)